Cross Culture: A souls journey

in crossculture •  5 months ago


    Hi Hiveans,

    This current thread of this weekend invited me to remember my manifestation, my souls journey.
    A few days ago I wrote in a blog about going to South Africa. South Africa is going to be the place where I would root and settle with a wife and kids.

    My intention is to move before 2030. Depending on my journey and soul alignment, it could even be next year, 2025. Last year I wanted to cut cords and clear all karmic relationships I have in the Netherlands. Mostly with my family and clearing the trans-generational trauma. Before I want to migrate I want to experience financial freedom, free of debts.

    In the past I was reckless and moved from country to country without a financial plan, moving the financial burden with me.

    This time I want to do it right. Having a financial plan before moving away. First I did want a fully clear slate, but that might be a bit difficult with all the changes I am facing. And I can be very limited for myself. To move from my highest frequency, without any attachments. I have to disattach financial challenges as a part of me as well (never thought about that one...). Not gonna do a spiritual bypass, a realistic view is necessary. Therefore the plan.

    My souls wants to move and every time I speak about South Africa, my body chills, the energy in my spine moves and there is a release, a longing. A longing to feel free. Well, this might be another believe (not feeling free) that keeps me in place.

    Who am I going to meet in South Africa?
    In the vision I had, I am going to meet my wife in SA. She not a native, an expat or maybe even an immigrant.

    She has dark colored hair, blue/greenish eyes and has a light tan. She is kind, one with mother nature, creative and like me a wise, but childlike spirit. She speaks English, French and a Slavic language.

    Our marriage would be a spiritual one. A marriage for the divine and endless soul.

    As everything is energy and is in constant movement, it's difficult to predict the future. But what we can do is to live our dream, act on our passion, letting go of attachments and when we are in peace with ourselves everything falls in place. Just live the life you want in the highest form as possible every moment of the day, as it is all ready here.


    Learning Ukrainian

    In a few weeks I am starting an eight week online training to learn the Ukrainian language. It's on my list for almost 20 years. A part of me feels it's the right thing to do. When I am on my bike I feel and see it´s part of my divine plan, my souls journey. I see a life in Ukraine and South Africa (getting confused from this auto-writing).

    In 2005 and 2006 I've been to the Ukraine for work and holidays. At that time Kyiv felt like home, I even made friends over there and I wanted to immigrate (which didn´t happen). Instead I moved to Germany.

    So who knows what else my future would look like. One thing is for sure South Africa is where I settle and from there I will move between certain countries.

    Language is a major challenge. I used to speak English, 80% of my day. A bit French, German and Dutch as my native language.

    Culture wise, I have no idea how it goes in South Africa. The Cape Town area is pretty much Westernized and I do easily adapt. In the end if you live with many expats and natives together the cultures are getting mixed. And if you look deeper, you get at that point that everything has the same principles only with a different way of showing :-)


    Long story short to answer the question.
    Would you marry someone from another culture? Why or Why not?
    Yes, I would :-)

    thank you for reading and your time! :-)


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