New: newyearAll contentecencyneoxiancentcreativecoinhivelifearchonactifitblogalivearthive-193552hive-enginectplifestylephotographybbhfamilypalnetmove2earnappreciatorgemsaliveandthrivinginleonaturemovetoearnfoodgamingliketusportstalkocdhive-167922leofinancedeutschproofofbraincurangelmusicspanishcryptodiycommunitychristmascncontestenglishhealthhive-130906pimpdistriatorTrendingNewHotPromotedtyoung (25)in offchain • 11 hours agoA Year of Growth: Looking Back at OffChain Luxembourg’s journey2024 is a wrap, and one cannot help but reflect on how far along OffChain Luxembourg has come since the very first…emmanuel (25)in voilk • 21 hours agoFreewrite - 5, Jan, 2025We introduced the kids to The Incredibles this weekend, and let me tell you: 6 and 4 are the right ages to introduce…manley (25)in voilk • yesterdayUn nuevo cheque en blanco es este año que ha despertado y llegado (Poesía) [ESP/ENG] A new blank check is this year that has awakened and arrivedLa congoja se aleja de nuestras mentes En enrevesados caminos que rebosan de pasión El destino feliz está a la…aston1 (25)in voilk • yesterday💚 Recharging - Family time ✨🔋These first days of January have been great. I came home from my trip and had a family visit. One of my sisters and…leopoldo (25)in voilk • 2 days agoOur last day of 2024![z6Z4POjKMNAypEDl_1000165910.webp](kelly (25)in voilk • 2 days agoMi look del último día de navidad 🫰🏼My look from the last day of Christmas 🫰🏼Creanme no le puse mucha atención este año pero sin embargo creo que enillinois (25)in voilk • 2 days agoAnother year begins and along with it there are new opportunities.[Eng-Spa]Greetings dear friends, Happy New Year to all, I hope we start 2025 with new ideas and projects. Wishing prosperity…skipper (25)in voilk • 2 days agoFirst trip of the year 🚗A new year and a trip seem very appealing. I traveled to a small town close to home, where I enjoyed spending time…blundenc (25)in newyear • 2 days ago"2025" A brand new year that some of us have already seen before.1941 1969 2025 ¿Dejavu or Flashback? «-Groundhog Day-» ¡Them Changes!johnboy (25)in voilk • 2 days agoNuevo Año, Nueva agenda💞![EbcMr6u4Ye32tnJk_1000998407.webp](lewis (25)in voilk • 3 days ago2025: A special yearPhoto by Pixabay Hello plant-based foodies, wherever you are in the world or the galaxy! Here…juventus (25)in voilk • 3 days agoAsí dimos la bienvenida al 2025, en familia y llenos de gratitud. Esp-Eng Esperar el año nuevo, siempre será un momento lleno de alegría y nostalgia al mismo tiempo. Es inevitable ese cúmulo…kamaz (25)in voilk • 3 days agoLetting go of the old, welcoming the new.Each day in our life is either a blessing or a lesson; there is no year that will pass that you will not learn…seanie (25)in voilk • 3 days agoHow i spent my firsts days of januaryThe first 2 days of January are usually for resting and recovering from the holidays, but in my case it was the…bags (25)in voilk • 3 days agoReflecting On My Hopes And Dream For 20252024, I can boldly say has been one of the toughest years of my life. I lost a lot of things and went through so many…sexymama (25)in voilk • 3 days agoMy overview of 2024The nice thing about taking a lot of pictures is that you actually capture all the moments in a year well, or at least…goten (25)in voilk • 4 days agoPrimero de enero 2025, mi primer Chapuzón | January 1st, 2025, my first Chapuzón (ESP/ENG)![tRkxj8pFzFAFlRJJ_Puesta_de_Sol.webp](fartman (25)in voilk • 4 days agoPreparing hallacas ✨👩🏼🍳 [ESP-ENG]![j3R7KVX4PTrzULXK_1000946513.jpg](simonp (25)in voilk • 4 days agoIn the cycle of life (Eng | Esp)Yesterday we inaugurated a new year in our lives. It is easy and quick to say, but it is not so, really. Especially…adler (25)in voilk • 4 days agoRecibiendo del 2025 en gratitud y buena energía🎉♥️✨ [ESP-ENG]![ETHBmS6TMJLu9lxV_I