How to make a cappuccino in a Tassimo machine

in coffee •  2 months ago

    How To Make A Cappuccino


    I've recently switched from Nespresso to Tassimo, in terms of the coffee machine that I use. I used the Nespresso machine for over two years and it made me thousands of coffees. I managed to sell it on to someone who wanted a cheap machine. I had taken good care of it, using descaled water only, so the machine was in very good condition when I sold it off. The deal was good, selling it for about 25% of the price of a new one.

    The Tassimo is a little more advanced. It uses barcodes to decide what drink is being made. The codes are on the pods, so all you have to do is put a pod in, and press the button. However there are some drinks that take more than one pod, for instance the Costa Cappuccino pods. I hesitated somewhat when I first opened the box and found a creamer pod box and a coffee pod box. I figured many people could be confused by this so I went ahead and made a mini instructional video to help out.

    I find this is the best performing type of video on my channel - the ones that show a simple solution or answer a straight forward question. So far the video has only gotten a few views, but I'm expecting it to pick up steam when it ranks on YouTube and the algorithm starts to recommend it. The revenue from the video may well pay for the machine eventually. I know it will at least pay for the coffee :)

    Peace & Love,


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