Codewars Kata - Compare within

in coding •  4 months ago

    Create a function close_compare that accepts 3 parameters: a, b, and an optional margin. The function should return whether a is lower than, close to, or higher than b.

    Please note the following:

    • When a is close to b, return 0.
      • For this challenge, a is considered "close to" b if margin is greater than or equal to the absolute distance between a and b.


    • When a is less than b, return -1.
    • When a is greater than b, return 1.

    If margin is not given, treat it as if it were zero.

    Assume: margin >= 0

    Tip: Some languages have a way to make parameters optional.

    Example 1
    If a = 3, b = 5, and margin = 3, then close_compare(a, b, margin) should return 0.

    This is because a and b are no more than 3 numbers apart.

    Example 2
    If a = 3, b = 5, and margin = 0, then close_compare(a, b, margin) should return -1.

    This is because the distance between a and b is greater than 0, and a is less than b.

    public class Solution
        public static int closeCompare
        ( double a, double b )
            return closeCompare( a, b, 0 );
        public static int closeCompare
        ( double a, double b, double margin )
            double d = a - b;
            if ( Math.abs( d ) <= margin )
                return 0;
                if ( d > 0 )
                    return 1;
                    return -1;
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