China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-04-05/06

in china •  3 months ago



    ‘Significant consequences’ if Chinese firms help Russia’s war in Ukraine, US’s Yellen warns

    "There will be "significant consequences" for China if its companies "support Russia's war against Ukraine," U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Saturday."

    --- Knowing the Biden administration, these consequences will be largely symbolic sanctions & perhaps new regulation with gigantic loopholes. Because - hey! - Biden doesn't want to hurt anybody.

    ""Neither of us want this to be an issue with our bilateral relationship. So we're working together," she added"

    --- Yellen seems to be a naive moron, too.

    s.a.: China provides Russia with satellite imagery for Ukraine strikes


    US and Chinese military officials met in Hawaii to discuss operational safety in the Pacific

    "The senior military official said this week that there has been a “reduction in unsafe behavior” between US and Chinese aircraft over the Pacific, which they called an encouraging sign and one they wanted to ensure continued."

    --- Well, China is focused on harassing the Philippines at the moment. But, don't worry, the PLA is big. Soon, they will focus more on US aircraft again. Perhaps even sooner than expected, in response to this navy exercise:
    US, Japan, Australia and the Philippines to stage military drills in disputed South China Sea


    China will use AI to disrupt elections in the US, South Korea and India, Microsoft warns

    *"“at a minimum” China will create and distribute through social media AI-generated content that “benefits their positions in these high-profile elections”

    [...] Microsoft said in the report that China had already attempted an AI-generated disinformation campaign in the Taiwan presidential election in January. The company said this was the first time it had seen a state-backed entity using AI-made content in a bid to influence a foreign election."*

    --- Actually, that camaign targeting the US elections is already in full swing. Seems to be using tactics similar to what Russia does: not so much pro-Chinese propaganda, but efforts to sow division & confuse the public in the USA.


    Chinese delegation in Myanmar in bid to end conflict in western Rakhine state

    "Beijing wants to play a “constructive role” in stabilizing the situation in Rakhine state as soon as possible"

    --- Of course only in the interest of the people, to bring peace & stability to the world.

    "Beijing is likely motivated by concerns for Chinese development projects in Rakhine state, which include the Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone, and gas and oil pipelines that cross from Rakhine to China’s Yunnan province"

    --- Oh well, just kidding. As usual, it's all about Chinese interests.


    Chinese tourist tower overlooking North Korea could be demolished

    "A contributing factor behind its closure appears to be a series of hostile exchanges between people on the tower and those below, another Changbai resident said.
    “In September last year, three North Korean border guards aimed their automatic rifles at tourists on the steel tower,” he said.
    In another incident, a North Korean college student threw rocks in the direction of the tower when tourists were taking pictures of him – who then responded by throwing water bottles and banana peels at the student, an official from a judicial agency in North Korea’s Ryanggang province said.
    The North Korean side “issued a warning to Chinese public security agencies that if this repeatedly occurs, a conflict between the two countries could develop later,”
    [...] Because of the tower, people on the ground feel almost like zoo animals, the North Korean official said.
    “Since our living conditions are so poor in North Korea, they are taking pictures from the steel tower as if they are observing a group of uncivilized animals,”"

    --- Well, that's what you are to the Chinese. At best, you are worthless barbarians.
    That 'friendship' between the PRC & the DPRK is only skin-deep.



    China braced for rise in air pollution deaths

    With feasts and patrols, China tries to keep Uyghurs from fasting

    Tibetan monk arrested for holding Dalai Lama’s portrait during protest



    --- China Uncensored featured the weekend news variety on Friday again:


    --- China Uncensored: "The Annihilation of Hong Kong"


    --- CNA: "Why China’s Navy Isn’t Intervening In Red Sea Houthi Attacks On Shipping"



    Yellen lobt "offene und konstruktive" Gespräche

    "Sie nannte die Gespräche mit dem stellvertretenden chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten He Lifeng in Guangzhou "offen und produktiv"."

    ""Ich denke, die Chinesen sind sich bewusst, wie besorgt wir über die Auswirkungen ihrer Industriestrategie auf die Vereinigten Staaten sind, über das Potenzial, unsere Märkte mit Exporten zu überschwemmen, die es amerikanischen Unternehmen schwer machen, zu konkurrieren", sagte Yellen"


    Die TikTok-Taktik

    "Lange wurde TikTok von bekannten Politikerinnen und Politikern als unwichtig behandelt. "Hier wurde vier Jahre lang ein relevanter digitaler Ort bewusst links liegen gelassen", kritisiert Politikberater Martin Fuchs. "Diese strategische Fehlentscheidung rächt sich gerade massiv. Das erzeugt viel Aktionismus ohne Strategie und Konzept."TikTok werde von über 22 Millionen Deutschen genutzt, so Fuchs. "Die Plattform schafft sehr einfach und effizient niedrigschwelligen Zugang zu Politik.""







    China: Ermittlungen gegen dritten ehemaligen Justizminister





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