China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-12-03

in china •  4 months ago



    China bans exports to US of gallium, germanium, antimony in response to chip sanctions

    "China announced Tuesday it is banning exports to the United States of gallium, germanium, antimony and other key high-tech materials with potential military applications, as a general principle, lashing back at U.S. limits on semiconductor-related exports."

    --- Yeah,right, retaliation. As if China had not planned such a move all along. US restrictions only sped up the implementation.

    "The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said it opposed using national security as a grounds for export controls, “abuse of export control measures, and the malicious blockade and suppression of China.”
    “Such behavior seriously violates the laws of the market economy and the principle of fair competition, undermines the international economic and trade order, disrupts the stability of the global industrial chain, and ultimately harms the interests of all countries,”"

    --- Just like China's export curbs?

    "U.S. chip products are no longer safe and reliable. China’s related industries will have to be cautious in purchasing U.S. chips"



    China tells World Court that UN treaties should cover states' climate obligations

    "China, one of the world's top two emitters of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming together with the U.S., said it understood the "enormous difficulties" faced by developing countries such as the small island states, which are vulnerable especially to rising sea levels and increasingly violent storms.
    But Ma Xinmin, a legal adviser in China's Foreign Ministry, told the court that the existing treaties produced by U.N.-backed climate change negotiations, which include many nonbinding provisions, should be the benchmark for determining states' obligations.
    "China hopes that the court will uphold the U.N. climate change negotiations mechanism as the primary channel for global climate governance," Ma said. "

    --- Upholding international treaties, but only when it serves Chinese interests.


    ‘Respect our sovereignty’: Palau tells China ahead of Taiwan president’s Pacific tour

    "Palau’s refusal to abandon Taiwan has led to what Whipps described as “unfriendly behaviour” from China.
    Whipps has accused China of starving Palau’s tourism-dependent economy of visitors and being behind a major cyberattack this year in which more than 20,000 documents were stolen.
    Last month, he said Chinese research vessels made two illegal incursions into Palau’s exclusive economic zone.
    “That’s another example of [China] not respecting the rule of law, not respecting boundaries,” he said. “These are the types of activities that don’t lend to friendly relations.”"

    --- The CCP doesn't understand the rule of law, only the rule by law.


    Chinese Navy Helicopter Accused of 'Harassment' in South China Sea

    ""China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha Qundao and the adjacent waters," Lin said, using Beijing's name for the Spratly Islands, a contested archipelago to the southwest of Iroquois Reef. "It is legitimate and lawful for China to carry out law enforcement activities in relevant waters to uphold sovereignty.""

    --- Wait, what about China respecting international law & existing treaties? An international court ruled that China has no territorial rights there.


    China ‘deposits’ statement regarding disputed Scarborough shoal to UN

    "In 2016, a U.N. arbitration tribunal rejected all of China’s claims to reefs in the South China Sea, including the Scarborough Shoal. The tribunal also determined that the shoal is a rock rather than an island.
    As a result, while the shoal may qualify for a 12-nautical-mile territorial sea, it cannot establish an exclusive economic zone. Instead, it is recognized as part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone and continental shelf."

    --- China doesnt care. Must be respect with Chinese characteristics.



    Chinese women buy up sanitary products in Hong Kong amid safety fears

    Indonesia’s maritime deal with China: Analysts worry on sovereignty issues

    Kachin, Shan residents face hardships as China and Myanmar block trade



    --- China Uncensored: "Something Has Gone TERRIBLY Wrong In China"


    --- CNA: "China vows to defend sovereignty, territorial integrity as Taiwan's Lai arrives in Marshall Islands"


    --- NHK: "China resumes visa-free visits for Japan, but issues remain"



    China untersagt den Export von Gallium und Germanium nach Amerika

    "China hat den Export wichtiger Güter und Rohstoffe in die USA verboten und damit auf die verschärften Chip-Sanktionen der Biden-Regierung reagiert. Das Handelsministerium in Peking teilte mit, der Export von Gallium, Germanium und Antimon in die USA sei ab sofort „im Prinzip“ verboten. Zudem werde die Überprüfung von Graphitexporten verschärft. Auch Güter, die für militärische Zwecke eingesetzt werden könnten und deren Endnutzer das US-Militär sei, dürften nicht mehr exportiert werden."

    --- Nur bedingt eine Reaktion auf US-Restriktionen. China hat sowas schon lange geplant. Bestenfalls wurden diese Maßnahmen jetzt vorgezogen.

    "Amerikanische Computerchips seien nicht mehr verlässlich und man solle vorsichtig sein, wenn man Halbleiter amerikanischer Hersteller verwende, schrieben der Halbleiter-, der Auto- und der Internetverband fast zeitgleich in Mitteilungen"

    --- Pffff...

    "Allerdings war die Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von ausländischen Halbleitern und Ausrüstungslieferanten schon offizielle chinesische Politik, bevor die ersten Exportkontrollen unter der Trump-Regierung vom April 2018 verhängt wurden"

    --- Eben.



    Bericht: Laborunfall in China verursachte "wahrscheinlich" Corona-Ausbruch


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