China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-03-14

in china •  4 months ago



    TikTok ban: China attacks 'bandit logic' of House vote

    "The approach is one that has irked US lawmakers. One of the bill's co-sponsors, Texas Republican Chip Roy, told the BBC in an interview that he believes TikTok "shot itself in the foot" with the lobbying effort.
    "[That is] demonstrating that they want to use the power of their technology to persuade people and inform them through their viewpoint," he said, adding that the effort amounted to "the propaganda angle that we're seeing out of TikTok.""

    --- Yep.

    "TikTok is banned in China along with other social media platforms.
    Instead, Chinese users use a similar app, Douyin, which is only available in China and subject to monitoring and censorship by the government."

    --- Meh. It's essentially the same app, only that the CCP influence & censorship is way more open & direct.

    If the US bans TikTok, China will be getting a taste of its own medicine

    "“The bill passed by the US House of Representatives puts the US on the opposite side of the principle of fair competition and international economic and trade rules,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a briefing Thursday."

    --- So, when China bans Google, Youtube & Twitter, China is "on the opposite side of the principle of fair competition and international economic and trade rules". Good on the CCP to admit it.


    TikTok seen in US as China's tool, even as it distances itself from Beijing

    "while US lawmakers associate TikTok with China, the company, headquartered outside China, has strategically kept its distance from its homeland.
    Since its inception, the TikTok platform has been intended for non-Chinese markets and is unavailable in mainland China"

    --- Bullshit. As I said, it's essentially the same software. &, as long as owner Bytedance has control, so has the CCP, no matter where the TikTok 'headquarters' is located.


    Chinese state media body condemns police harassment at site of deadly blast

    "In a statement published on Wednesday evening, the All-China Journalists Association (AJCA), a Communist party-backed group, said that “legitimate interviews are a journalist’s right”, adding that the authorities “should not simply and brutally obstruct the media journalists from performing their duties in a normal manner in order to control public opinion”.
    The unusually forthright comments came after videos emerged of two state media journalists being blocked from reporting from the scene of a explosion in the northern province of Hebei.
    [...] As of Thursday morning, the statement had been deleted from the association’s website but was still available on WeChat."

    --- A journalist's right in China is to be subservient to the CCP.



    Surprise Chinese lunar mission hit by launch anomaly

    ‘10 Don’ts’ for Chinese young people

    Trump launched CIA covert influence operation against China



    --- BBC News: "China says potential US ban on TikTok is ‘act of bullying’"



    China und USA streiten über drohenden Tiktok-Zwangsverkauf

    "Außenamtssprecher Wang Wenbin erklärte: "Wenn sogenannte nationale Sicherheitsgründe dazu benutzt werden können, um überlegene Unternehmen anderer Länder mutwillig zu unterdrücken, kann man nicht von Fairness sprechen.""

    --- China redet mal wieder über sich selbst.

    "Tiktok betonte weiter, man sehe sich nicht als Tochter eines chinesischen Unternehmens. Bytedance sei schließlich zu 60 Prozent im Besitz westlicher Investoren und der Firmensitz liege auf den Cayman-Inseln in der Karibik. Kritiker kontern, dass die chinesischen Gründer bei einem Anteil von 20 Prozent die Kontrolle dank höherer Stimmrechte hielten und Bytedance eine große Zentrale in Peking habe."

    --- 'Man sehe sich nicht als Tochter eines chinesischen Unternehmens'? Die Frage ist nicht, wie man sich selbst sieht,sondern wer effektiv die Kontrolle hat.

    "Der Sprecher des Außenministeriums in Peking verneinte die Frage, ob China nicht ähnlich vorgehen würde, weil US-Dienste wie Facebook, Google und X in China nicht zugänglich sind. Das sei "etwas ganz anderes""

    --- Stimmt. In China geht es um die Kontrolle der Partei über Meinungsbildung & um Protektionismus. Beim TikTok-Verboet geht es darum, die Kontrolle der KPCh zu verringern.


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