China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-06-05

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    US, allies warn China aggressively ‘headhunting’ Western fighter pilots

    "The United States and some of its closest intelligence partners issued a new warning Wednesday, cautioning the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is using private companies, including corporate headhunters, so that Western pilots are unaware of links to the Chinese military until it is too late.
    [...] Other recruitment efforts include leveraging personal acquaintances, professional networking sites and online job platforms, according to the bulletin, which warns any links to the Chinese government or military are often hidden."

    --- It's never too late. Once you notice what's going on, you can still simply quit. I doubt that any Western country would take action against you for not fulfilling a contract in such a case.

    "The U.S. last year, for example, placed restrictions on 43 entities tied to Chinese efforts to recruit and hire Western fighter pilots.
    The targeted companies included a flight school in South Africa, a security and an aviation company founded by a former U.S. Navy SEAL with operations in the United Arab Emirates, Kenya and Laos.
    While such work may have diminished Beijing’s efforts, the U.S. and its intelligence partners warn China has responded aggressively, rolling out new recruitment efforts aimed not only at hiring former Western fighter pilots but hiring engineers and flight operation center personnel who also could give the PLA insights into the operations and tactics of Western air forces."

    --- Surely not to prepare for a war...


    China’s Energy Intensity and Carbon Intensity Targets Are All But Unachievable

    "On May 29, China’s State Council released its 2024-2025 action plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction, setting targets to decrease energy intensity (energy consumption per unit of GDP) by 2.5 percent and carbon intensity (carbon emissions per unit of GDP) by 3.9 percent in 2024. However, these goals appear insufficient to meet China’s previous commitments of reducing carbon intensity by 18 percent and energy intensity by 13.5 percent between 2020 and 2025 as part of its international climate pledges.
    China’s progress in reducing its carbon and energy intensity has been lackluster from 2020 to 2023, with only a 4.6 percent reduction in carbon intensity and a 2 percent decrease in energy intensity during this period. This leaves the country severely off track to achieve its 2025 targets."

    --- Don't you worry. China will achieve all its targets, no matter how many numbers have to be manipulated.

    "China’s clean energy boom in the past two years, particularly in solar power, has put most of its 2025 climate targets within reach despite falling severely behind earlier. If the rapid pace of low-carbon power generation additions continues and electricity demand growth returns to pre-pandemic rates, China’s CO2 emissions could fall this year and stabilize, potentially achieving the 4-6 percent reduction needed to meet the CO2 intensity target by 2025."

    --- See? No problem. Just trust our propaganda.


    Latin America's anger at China's economic clout grows

    "In the textile industry, considerable anger is directed at Chinese suppliers, because conglomerates such as Shein, which don't produce their goods under the same conditions and general framework as small Brazilian firms, push thousands of local companies out of the market. At grass roots level, there's a growing feeling that China's strategy destroys local trading structures rather than making them profitable."

    --- Welcome to a free market with Chinese characteristics.


    Famous scenic waterfall in China goes viral after video appears to show water coming from pipe

    "Yuntai Mountain Park’s management responded to the video, explaining how changes in the dry season necessitated the extra boost to the falls.
    “(The waterfall) cannot guarantee to meet the public in its most beautiful appearance due to season changes,” they said, adding that the waterfall underwent “a tiny improvement during dry season.”"

    --- Nature with Chinese characteristics.
    Pretty common in China to have natural wonders which, on closer inspection, are quite human, after all.



    Report: De-Risking on the Surface, Re-Risking Underneath



    --- China Uncensored: "China Found A VERY INVENTIVE Way Around American Blacklists..."


    --- CNBC: "Why EV Tariffs Won't Stop Chinese Cars"


    --- Bloomberg: "China Leaves Patriotic 'Graffiti' on Lunar Surface"




    Gebremste Chips zeigen: China kann kaum selbst High End produzieren

    Hackerangriff auf Bergbaukonzern in Australien – einen Tag nach Rauswurf von chinesischem Investor


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