China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-02-07

in china •  5 months ago



    Chinese Websites Posing as Local News Outlets Target Global Audiences with Pro-Beijing Content

    "Based on the language utilized, as well as on the sourcing of the local news content reposted by PAPERWALL websites – an aspect that we will also describe in more detail later in this report – we observed the network as mimicking local news outlets in 30 different countries, as shown in the map below."

    --- Chinese propaganda at your doorstep:

    That map is probably missing a lot. I doubt that Africa, Australia & Oceania are really without such efforts.


    China removes head of market regulator as it battles stock meltdown

    "The Communist party’s central committee replaced Yi Huiman with Wu Qing, a senior official who made a name for himself cracking down on brokerages, as China Securities Regulatory Commission chair and party secretary"

    --- Emperor Xi found a scapegoat. But the replacement does not really sound better qualified to improve trust in the stock market.
    s.a.: China appoints ‘Broker Butcher’ Wu Qing as new chairman of securities regulator


    China vows to help its EV champions succeed overseas despite threats of sanctions

    "China is promising to help its electric vehicle (EV) makers cope with international trade restrictions and build overseas supply chains, as part of a major global expansion effort for the industry.
    The pledge comes as China’s booming EV exports face increasing protectionist pushback in some regions, including Europe and the United States.
    On Wednesday, China’s Commerce Ministry posted a document signed late last year by nine government agencies, including the Foreign Ministry and the central bank, vowing to support Chinese EV makers with their globalization push. "

    --- Should make clear to even the biggest moron in the EU where China is going. Well, it should, but probably doesn't. Chancellor Scholz is already planning his next business trip to China.


    Where was most of America’s stuff imported from last year? Hint: It’s not China

    "Mexico is now the top exporter of goods into the US"

    --- What CNN forgets to mention: It is highly likely that much of the Mexican export growth is due to Chinese companies rerouting their exports to the US via Mexico.


    As Netherlands accused Chinese hackers of spying, Beijing slams ‘groundless’ claims

    "“We will not allow any country or individual using Chinese infrastructure to engage in such illegal activities,”"

    --- 'Unless we're doing it ourselves.'



    Disappeared oil man was CCP agent, business partner says

    China had "persistent" access to U.S. critical infrastructure

    China could use anti-fraud app to monitor Tibetans - report



    --- China Uncensored: "The World is Giving Weapons to the Philippines to Fight China"


    --- CNBC: "China would be very happy if we were more isolationist and dysfunctional politically: Michael Froman"



    Chinas Finanzmärkte: Pekings Gift und Gegengift

    "Die Regierung stolpert derweil durch die Krise. Am Mittwoch sägte sie kurzerhand den Chef der Börsenaufsicht ab, einen Tag nach einem Treffen der Aufsicht mit Präsident Xi Jinping."

    --- Ist immer schön, wenn man einen Sündenbock hat.

    "inzwischen ist es ein Muster, das sich durch die gesamte Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik zieht: Peking kündigt an, Peking bekräftigt, Peking liefert aber nicht – oder fast nicht. Sie seien der Versprechungen müde, sagen ausländische Wirtschaftsverbände"

    --- Endlich fällt es auch deutschen Journalisten & Firmen auf.


    Elektroautos: China will seine Hersteller im Export unterstützen

    "China will seine E-Autoindustrie unterstützen, um den Außenhandel der Volksrepublik zu stabilisieren und die Fahrzeuge leichter nach Übersee zu bringen."

    --- Sprich: Sollte es EU-Sanktionen geben, wird die KPCh ihre Subventionen erhöhen & Druck auf Länder ausüben.



    Bank setzt Transaktionen aus: Russische Firmen können Rechnungen in China nicht zahlen

    Spionage-Vorwürfe: Niederlande sieht China für Cyberangriff verantwortlich


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