China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-05-09

in china •  2 months ago



    China's Xi meets Orban in Hungary

    ""China is one of the pillars of the new world order," Orban said"

    --- I'm not sure all of Orban's allies in the US are happy with his choice of words. Lots of conspiracy nuts are among them, for whom 'new world order' is far from positive.

    "China supports Hungary in playing a greater role within the EU on promoting China-EU relations"

    --- You don't say...

    China's Xi Jinping says China-Hungary relations an 'all-weather' strategic partnership

    "both Xi and Orban said that their two countries elevated ties to an "all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership.""

    --- Well, we'll see how that works once the weather changes in Hungary & the opposition takes over.

    Pro-China activists harass Tibetan protesters in Hungary during Xi’s visit

    "“Over the last few days, we were followed, harassed and intimidated by undercover Hungarian police, as well as Chinese people and police everywhere in the city,” Tenzin Yangzom from the International Tibet Network, told Radio Free Asia. “Everywhere in the city is swarmed by them.”"

    --- Orban's friendliness towards dictators reflects in his police as well, it seems.


    China's exports and imports return to growth, signalling demand recovery

    "signalling an encouraging improvement in demand"

    --- Well ... . Official numbers only. & even if you take them for granted:

    "After accounting for changes in export prices and for seasonality, we estimate that export volumes remained broadly unchanged from March"

    --- So, again, at best stagnation.


    Big Chinese cities are making it easier to buy homes to boost depressed property market

    "Last week, the Politburo, a top decision-making body of China’s Communist Party, pledged to explore new measures to tackle the housing crisis, including implementing “city-specific” policies to reduce housing inventory.
    But a UBS survey on Wednesday said that Chinese people’s home purchase intensions remain tepid. "

    --- Everything points to a great recovery.


    'Keep your phone on 24 hours a day': Chinese PR boss apologises after backlash

    "In a series of videos posted on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, Qu Jing, said she had no responsibility for employees' well-being "as I'm not your mother"."

    --- & they are lucky that she isn't:

    "In one of her earlier videos, Ms Qu claimed to be so caught up in her work that she does not know which grade her son is in."

    --- The perfect mother, it seems.



    The high cost of failing to contain China

    Historian. Activist. Spy?



    --- CNA: "'Made In China 2025': Examining the scorecard of Beijing's controversial industrial policy"


    --- Sky News (AUS): China claims Australian helicopter attempted to spy on naval exercise

    --- Sky News (AUS): China’s actions ‘not those of a friend’: Tony Abbott ‘puzzled’ by government response



    When China fires rockets into space, you better hide in a bunker



    E-Mobiliät und Nuklearindustrie: Xi und Orban vereinbaren in Budapest „strategische Partnerschaft“

    "Ungarn ist als einziges EU-Land Teilnehmer an Chinas umstrittener Infrastruktur- und Investitionsinitiative „Neue Seidenstraße“. Die ungarische Regierung gilt als chinafreundlich - mit freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zu Peking möchte Orban ein Gegengewicht zu den Gegebenheiten in der EU schaffen"

    --- & Kaiser Xi sagt ganz offen, daß Ungarn als Chinalobbyist in der EU handeln soll.
    Außerdem sprach man von einer Allwetterfreundschaft. Orban bandelt nunmal gern mit Diktatoren an.



    Intel darf Huawei angeblich keine Mobilprozessoren mehr verkaufen

    China ist nicht mehr Deutschlands wichtigster Handelspartner – USA vor

    Nicaragua entzieht chinesischer HKND Group Konzession für Mega-Kanalprojekt


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