China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-06-01/02

in china •  last month



    Zelensky accuses Russia and China of undermining summit

    "Mr Zelensky claimed that Russia was attempting to disrupt the summit by pressuring countries not to attend, through threats of a blockade of agricultural goods, chemical goods, and energy.
    Certain countries were assisting this “diplomatic disruption”, he added.
    He named China later on, and said it was “working for countries to not come to the peace summit”, unlike the US which has promised to send a high-level representative and is encouraging others to attend.
    China's foreign ministry had said that the conference "should have the recognition of Russia and Ukraine" and equal participation. "Otherwise, it is difficult for the conference to play a substantive role in restoring peace," a spokeswoman said on Friday"

    --- Mind you, when German chancellor Scholz visited Beijing, they told him that China would do everything it can to support the Swiss summit. Chinese promises...

    "Mr Zelensky also said China's leader Xi Jinping had earlier promised him they would “stand aside in this war and would not support Russia with weapons”.
    But, he added, there are now “elements that are part of Russia’s weaponry” that come from China, according to various intelligence agencies. He called for China to maintain a “consistent” position."

    --- At least, unlike Scholz, Zelenskiy seems to learn that you cannot trust Chinese promises.


    Chinese trade body seeks drone jammers for Russian buyers

    "The government-affiliated Guangdong Province Trade Promotion Association for Russia, which was set up last year to help Russian customers buy goods ranging from trucks to boats, posted a “Notice of foreign enterprises purchasing (unmanned aerial vehicle) equipment” on its WeChat social media site.
    The association said the buyers wanted “interference generators, drone detectors (trade names BorisTone, Assel Labs, Bulat) or other similar technological solutions, UAV suppressors, communication frequency band jammers”.
    [...] According to its WeChat account profile, the Guangdong Province Trade Promotion Association for Russia was established under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce."

    --- Proves again the total neutrality of China...


    Those who back Taiwan independence face ‘self-destruction,’ China’s new defense minister warns in combative summit speech

    "“We will take resolute actions to curb Taiwan independence and make sure such a plot never succeeds,” Dong said speaking through a translator, while slamming “external interfering forces” for selling arms and having “illegal official contacts” with Taiwan, in an apparent reference to the United States, which maintains close, unofficial ties with Taiwan.
    “China stays committed to peaceful reunification. However, this prospect is increasingly being eroded by separatists for Taiwan independence and foreign forces,” Dong warned."

    --- 'We are extremely peaceful. We just have to kill you. It's all your fault for not agreeing with us.'


    China takes aim at EU’s planes and farmers as trade war brews

    "Beijing is warning the European Union it will hit its aviation and agricultural sectors unless Brussels pulls back from an impending trade war."

    --- Proves again, how little, poor China is just an innocent victim of the politicisation of trade. Right?

    "The most serious aviation measures would likely target Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer that is the largest supplier to the Chinese market. Beijing has threatened to target Airbus in the past, most notoriously saying it would not buy its planes if China's airlines were to fall under EU carbon emission trading rules."

    --- Yawn... They essentially have only the choice between Airbus & Boeing. & Boeing is supplying Taiwan with weapons. So, I doubt that China will order more Boeing planes suddenly.


    Beijing asks Tencent to lower WeChat's mobile payment market share

    "It is not clear whether Tencent was given any precise numerical target to meet, but one person familiar with the situation said, "WeChat is not targeting user expansion, and it is very cautious about the potential risks of growing too big.""

    --- Else the same will happen that did to Alibaba. The CCP doesn't like companies growing too important.



    The evolution of forced labour in Xinjiang

    'We'll never forget,' Tiananmen massacre families write to Xi Jinping

    China says its spacecraft lands on Moon's far side



    --- China Uncensored: "Why Is China Buying So Much Gold?"


    --- DW News: "'You are the big problem of this region': Ukraine, China, US trade barbs"


    --- DW News: "Zelenskyy accuses China & Russia of disrupting peace efforts"



    Selenskyj beklagt chinesische Störversuche

    "Selenskyj kritisierte bei einer Pressekonferenz, dass China versuche, Länder von einer Teilnahme am Gipfel abzuhalten: "Leider nutzt Russland den Einfluss Chinas in der Region, nutzt chinesische Diplomaten, um den Friedensgipfel zu stören. Leider lässt sich ein so großes, unabhängiges und mächtiges Land wie China zum Instrument in den Händen Putins machen.""

    --- Anders als Scholz scheint Selenskyj langsam einzusehen, daß man China als Vermittler vergessen kann.

    "Der chinesische Verteidigungsminister Dong Jun erklärte in Singapur, sein Land achte darauf, weder Russland noch die Ukraine zu unterstützen: "Was die Ukraine-Krise betrifft, so hat China die Friedensgespräche mit einer verantwortungsvollen Haltung gefördert. Wir haben niemals Waffen an eine der Konfliktparteien geliefert. Wir haben strengere Kontrollen für die Ausfuhr von Gütern mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck eingeführt und nie etwas getan, um die Flammen zu schüren. Wir stehen fest auf der Seite des Friedens und des Dialogs.""

    --- Nur blöd, wenn gleichzeitig von chinesischen Lokalregierungen gegründete Vereinigungen öffentlich quasi Ausschreibungen für nach Rußland zu liefernde Militärhilfe ins Internet stellen.



    Auch diese Milliarden werden Chinas Wohnungsmarkt nicht retten

    Sonde erfolgreich auf Mondrückseite gelandet


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