China news roundup / Nachrichten 2024-06-25

in china •  10 days ago



    Japanese mother and child stabbed in China in front of school bus

    "“Such isolated incidents may happen in any country in the world,” spokesperson Mao Ning told a regular news briefing."

    --- But, but, but ... not in China! According to you, China is one of the safest countries in the world.

    "The attack was initially censored on Chinese social media, with search results for “Japanese school” on X-like platform Weibo heavily filtered to allow only posts from official accounts on Tuesday morning.
    By Tuesday afternoon, the censorship appeared to have relaxed after China’s Foreign Ministry commented on the incident."

    --- Censorship was not relaxed. When there is an official statement, this is allowed to be re-published. & then, limited comments are allowed, too.

    "as Chinese nationalism turns more aggressive and intolerant under the leadership of Xi Jinping, Japanese schools in China have faced growing criticism and suspicion. In recent months, some online posts and videos have called for Japanese schools to be shut down in China, while others accused the schools of being breeding ground for spies"

    --- Actually, there is massive anti-Japanese & anti-US propaganda in China in recent years. But the CCP also tries to sow suspicions of foreigners in general. So, everybody has to be careful.


    U.S. and Philippines seek to de-escalate after sea skirmish with China

    "The United States and the Philippines are seeking to de-escalate tensions with Beijing after Chinese coast guard ships forcibly boarded Philippine navy vessels in the most serious confrontation in the South China Sea in recent years"

    --- Gosh, why is it always the one who is attacked who has to do the de-escalating? Is it Western decadence? German angst?

    "Richard Heydarian, a senior lecturer at the Asian Center of the University of the Philippines, called on the United States to “take steps to directly support” the resupply missions to the Sierra Madre and to declare that any lethal attack on Philippine military personnel would be grounds to trigger the mutual defense treaty. There’s a need to “restore some element of deterrence”"

    --- Yep.


    China tries to boost property sales with ‘farms for apartments’ deal

    "Local governments in China are offering to buy up farms from rural families, offering vouchers for apartments in smaller cities in a bid to encourage more people to give up farming and move into urban areas, according to official announcements posted online this month.
    Authorities in the eastern provinces of Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang and the central province of Hubei are rolling out trial “housing voucher” schemes targeted at rural communities in a bid to boost the country’s flagging real estate sector and accelerate the mass relocation of rural communities
    [...] In a trial being rolled out in Anhui’s Fengyang county from June 20, farming families who voluntarily release their leased farms back to government ownership will be given a subsidy, or voucher, worth 50,000 yuan (US$6884) to help them buy an apartment in a smaller, regional city"

    --- For 50000 RMB you won't get an apartment even in low-tier cities. I don't foresee a great success for this scheme. Then again, lots of farmers have problems making a living at the moment. So, who knows...


    Suspected Chinese rocket debris seen falling over village after launch, video shows

    "A video posted on Kuaishou, a Chinese short-video site, appeared to show a long, cylindrical shaped piece of debris falling over a rural village and crashed next to a hill, with yellow smoke billowing from one end.
    CNN geolocated the video to be filmed from Xianqiao village in Guizhou province, neighboring the launch site province of Sichuan to the southeast. The video was posted on Kuaishou from an IP address in Guizhou.
    Other videos circulating on Chinese social media platforms analyzed by CNN showed multiple angles of the falling debris. In one of them, villagers, including children, were seen running away while looking back at the orange trail in the sky, with some covering their ears for the crash."

    --- Happens almost every time China launches one of its bigger rockets. Because the CCP really cares for Chinese people's well-being.

    "Residents were also “strictly forbidden” to take photos of the debris or “spread relevant videos online,”"

    --- Because nothing bad can ever happen in emperor Xi's China, particularly not caused by the CCP.


    Edinburgh shelves Taiwan friendship deal over China sanctions fear

    "The City of Edinburgh Council has shelved plans for a new "friendship arrangement" with a Taiwanese city following fears it could harm relations with China.
    The local authority was due to consider a five-year partnership to strengthen cultural and commercial links between the Scottish capital and Kaohsiung.
    A report also raised concerns that it could lead to an increased risk of a cyber attack.
    Organisations including the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Airport and Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce have warned the move could result in sanctions on the city and reduced trade, tourism and student numbers."

    --- Suckers.



    Huawei’s Secret Ally in the US-China Tech War: A Science Nonprofit Based in DC

    China issues top rainstorm alert as deadly flooding moves north

    US probing China Telecom, China Mobile over internet, cloud risks

    ByteDance is working with Broadcom on the development of an AI chip



    --- China Unscripted: "Hong Kong Is Losing Its Best and Brightest | Carmen Lau"


    --- BBC News: "China space probe returns to Earth with rare Moon rocks"


    --- CBC News: "Canada could up tariffs on Chinese EVs"



    Mutmaßliche Trümmer einer chinesischen Rakete abgestürzt

    "Trümmer chinesischer Raketen haben schon früher Dörfer getroffen. Im Dezember 2023 landeten Trümmer einer Rakete in der Provinz Hunan und beschädigten zwei Häuser. 2002 wurde ein Junge verletzt, als Fragmente eines Satellitenstarts auf sein Dorf in der Provinz Shaanxi fielen."

    --- Kann bei jedem Start der 'Langer Marsch'-Rakete passieren. Der KPCh ist scheißegal, wem das Zeug auf den Kopf fällt. Solange es nicht in Peking passiert...



    Chinesische Mondsonde zurück auf der Erde

    ByteDance arbeitet mit Broadcom an der Entwicklung eines KI-Chips


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