Week with friends! -EN-ES- Semana con Amigos!

in cats •  4 months ago

    Hello Hive Community!

    This week I decided to spend as much time as I can with friends because I'm about to go on a long trip and I don't want to miss so much and I don't know the twists and turns of life, so I prefer to visit them as much as I can. Today I came to visit one of my friends who started out as cooking buddies and we met for the first time at a gastronomic meeting in a farm about 3 years ago. Most of them were from the networks or TV and were all known there. I fell for it because I'm a friend of a friend of a guy known in the networks here who cooks in inhospitable corners of the country always with clean fire and is very popular.

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    The way we met was very funny, I had taken up with the guy who was grilling for everyone while the others were lobbying and chatting. The truth is that I stood next to the grill and we started chatting, I would bring him something he needed or if he wanted something to drink I would reach him and so on, (you always have to make friends with the griller/cook/waiter/whoever feeds you) A couple of hours went by and when we were about to sit down to eat he asked him if he could throw some mushrooms on the grill that are done in two minutes because I was not eating meat at that time so he made a place for me and I threw my meat in a corner. When I do it after 5 minutes comes a turnip who makes the classic comment of, what are those mushrooms doing there, this is a barbecue, are there vegans in this meeting, without thinking that I was the vegan in question. Then I answered him, sorry, the vegans were not invited, laughing and with a drink in my hand, and he answered me if they are going to invite, yes, but not if they are not. We laughed our asses off and then we started chatting.

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    The guy I ended up becoming friends with also happens to be a well known instagramer who uploads recipes in networks with his own style, which is the real secret of those who sell content, so today he had to record to upload something to his networks and he told me why don't you come along, we never did anything together and we recorded. So I was on his set and went to his house and we recorded some videos for his networks and who knows, maybe he took off to stardom guys! That cutie you saw in the picture above is Nestor my friend's cat who is a real and genuine sweetie who whenever you go to visit him is sleeping and I think he sleeps 16 hours a day and the rest he eats and licks his hair. He is a beautiful bum and when you go to greet him he rubs his face and gets on his belly begging for cuddles.

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    I actually thought it was going to be a shorter session, I thought I would do it in much less time. It took a little longer than I thought but we still enjoyed it a lot, mainly because I had never done it before and he is a genius, he has all the vibe. Then it was late and I asked him if he wanted to go for a drink and eat something and we went to a bar that I had been told about and when we arrived we found a slight hype so we fell a little out of place, but as you know and as the great Jacobo used to say: Billetera mata galan! So we were able to go in for his light blue eyes and because he is known.

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    I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

    Spanish Version

    ¡Hola Comunidad de Hive!

    Esta semana me dispuse a estar todo lo que pueda con amigos porque estoy pronto a un viaje un poco extenso y no quiero extrañar tanto ni tampoco uno sabe las vueltas de la vida entonces prefiero y tengo ganas de visitarlos todo lo que pueda. Hoy vine a visitar a uno de mis amigos que empezamos siendo colegas de cocina y nos conocimos por primera vez en una reunión de gastronómicos en una quinta hace 3 años más o menos. La mayoría de ellos eran del palo de las redes o de la tv y eran conocidos todos de ahí. Yo caí porque soy amigo de un conocido en las redes de aca que cocina en rincones inhóspitos del país siempre a fuego limpio y es muy popular.

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    La forma en que nos conocimos fue muy graciosa, yo me había copado con el pibe que estaba asando para todos mientras los demás hacían lobby y charlaban. La verdad que me puse al lado de la parrilla y empezamos a charlar, le llevaba algo que necesitaba o si quería algo para tomar yo le alcanzaba y así, (siempre hay que hacerse amigo del parrillero/cocinero/mozo/quien te da de comer) Pasaron un par de horas y cuando estaban faltando poco para sentarnos a comer le preguntó si podía tirar unos hongos en la parrilla que se hacen en dos minutos porque yo no comía carne en ese momento entonces me hizo un lugar y tire mis carnes en un rincón. Cuando lo hago a los 5 minutos viene un nabo que hace el clásico comentario de, que hacen esos hongos ahí, esto es un asado hay veganos en esta reunión?, sin pensar que yo era el vegano en cuestión. Entonces le respondo, perdón los veganos no estaban invitados riéndome y con el trago en la mano y me responde si van a convidar si, sino no. Nos cagamos de risa y ahí nos pusimos a charlar.

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    El muchacho con quien me termine haciendo amigo resulta que también es un instagramer conocido que sube recetas en redes con un estilo muy propio, que ese es el verdadero secreto de los que venden contenido, entonces hoy el tenia que grabar para subir algo a sus redes y me dijo porque no te venís que nunca hicimos ninguno juntos y grabamos. Así es que estuve en su set fue para su casa y grabamos unos videos para sus redes y quien sabe capaz despegó al estrellato chicos! Esa hermosura que vieron en la foto de arriba es Néstor el gato de mi amigo que es un verdadero y genuino dulce de leche que siempre que vas a visitarlo está durmiendo y creo que duerme 16 horas por día y el resto come y se lame el pelo. Es un vago hermoso y cuando lo vas a saludar se refriega la cara y se pone panza arriba pidiendo mimos.

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    La verdad pensé que iba a ser una sesión más corta, pensé que lo haría en mucho menos tiempo. Se demoró un poco más de lo pensado pero igual lo disfrutamos mucho, yo principalmente porque nunca lo había hecho y él es un genio tiene toda la onda. Después era medio tarde y le pregunte si tenia ganas de ir por un traguito y comer algo por ahí y nos fuimos a un bar que me habían comentado y cuando llegamos nos encontramos con una leve hype así que caímos medio desubicados, pero como ustedes saben y como decía el gran Jacobo: Billetera mata galan! Así que pudimos entrar a por sus ojos celestes y porque es conocido.

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    Espero que lo hayan disfrutado como yo!


    Originally posted on DClub Community Articles. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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