Collab Tube: Boosting the Content Creator Growth by 10x

in buildwithdelhi •  21 days ago

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    The project has been shared on build space s5 and have got an amazing feed back.


    We are Team Hashira, a passionate group of developers working together to create innovative solutions. Our team lead, Mukul, along with team members Sumit and Abhishek [team leader] , brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to the table. Mukul is a front-end expert with a knack for design, Sumit excels in backend development, and Abhishek specializes in integrating cutting-edge technologies.

    Event Pictures

    Project Overview

    Project Name: Collab Tube

    Problem Statement

    YouTube creators face significant challenges in managing and collaborating with their content teams. Security concerns around sharing sensitive login credentials with editors, thumbnail designers, and SEO experts can disrupt workflow efficiency and trust.


    Collab Tube aims to prevent YouTube channel hacking and enhance team collaboration. By providing a secure and centralized platform, we help content creators manage their teams without sharing sensitive login credentials.


    • Secure Collaboration: Utilizing blockchain technology to protect sensitive information.
    • Centralized Management: Offering a single platform to manage all aspects of content creation.
    • Efficiency Boost: Streamlining workflows to enhance productivity.

    Tech Stack

    • Frontend: React
    • Backend: Node.js
    • Database: MongoDB
    • Cloud Services: AWS
    • Security: Blockchain


    Overall Experience

    Participating in this event has been an incredible journey for our team. We have learned a lot, faced challenges, and grown together as developers. The opportunity to collaborate, innovate, and present our project has been immensely rewarding. We are grateful for the experience and look forward to future hackathons!

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