Moon on the Subconscious

in blog •  5 months ago

    Good day dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my contribution and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experience into your life as well as a great start to the new weekend! Today I would like to discuss a topic related to the moon and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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    Here you can see pictures of the waxing moon that I have recently taken and in this post I would like to specifically discuss how the moon influences our subconscious. Some moon phases are a perfect way to dedicate us the subconscious thoughts and especially the full moon is associated with it and the moon was already revered in old cultures and already at that time people knew that it can change the mood and therefore certain events were also made dependent on the phases of the moon and people oriented themselves on this celestial body. The moon has such a strong influence on the human psyche or the subconscious that it can even lead to the development of diseases in some cases and some people simply become more restless or the quality of sleep is influenced and also The dreams, which are considered a reflection of the subconscious, can be changed by the moon. With some people, it can even happen that physical illness can be caused by it and in rarer cases it can even lead to serious health complications and it is interesting how each person reacts individually to the moon and what takes place in parallel in the subconscious. Over 95% of actions or decisions come from our subconscious and the power of it should definitely not be underestimated and it is able to absorb and process thousands of information in seconds and if you go deeper into detail, the frequency of the moon influences our consciousness or subconscious and changes the entire activity of the brain. It is also interesting to know that the moon reacts to water, which the human body consists for the most part and it has an influence on our hormones, which in turn are strongly connected to the subconscious and are important for the various biochemical actions of the body. The phase of the full moon is the best time to go into your own self on the psychological level and you should definitely not underestimate the power of it and it is definitely an exciting topic and the bright nights are also linked to positive experiences in our subconscious which in turn leads to the fact that we remember these days more easily.




    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens!

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