Bitcoin and Alchemy

in blog •  2 months ago

    Hey dear Hive community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to discuss the alchemy and the connections with Bitcoin and hope you can learn new things.

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    Alchemy is an old branch of natural philosophy, which probably has its origin in ancient Egypt or Greece and is strongly influenced by mystical topics. Chemistry and today's medicine have gradually developed from alchemy and one of the main goals was to produce metals artificially and so the focus of the old alchemists was to produce gold from base metals and this principle of transformation can also be seen with Bitcoin, which is also referred to as digital gold. It is about creating this digital form of gold with the help of energy and it can also be seen as a magical way to create money. Bitcoin is based on mathematical algorithms and also in the ideology of alchemy numbers play an important role when it comes to the general understanding of contexts and already in the original times of alchemy, the alhemists already knew that the whole cosmos consists of mathematical principles and all the most important principles which were also of great importance for the way of working such as divide, add, subtract, multiply and more are based on mathematical formulas. Much of the alchemical symbolism is also based on numbers and if you only look at the logo of Bitcoin, for example, you will find a lot of symbolism which is based on mathematical principles and the philosophy of the spiritual teachings of alchemy is actually also based on mathematics and in ancient times they were also known to have done a lot of research and to have developed new things and for this it was also important to understand mathematical relationships. Of course, the psychology behind Bitcoin is also closely linked to alchemy and the alchemists are true masters of creating things with a high value of attraction and if you take a closer look at the markets or the behavior of the Bitcoin scene, you will find that a lot happens there on the psyche as well as the subconscious and and it is interesting to look at Bitcoin only from this point and to take a closer look at the effect on the human psyche and the effects of these things also had an important meaning in alchemy.

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    Bitcoin is closely linked to mysticism and even if the general attitude of people has changed more since the mainstream adoption, the core is still the same and it is also interesting to look at mass psychology in this context and it can be said that its own kind of religion has developed around Bitcoin and the crypto scene in general. In the past, Bitcoin was probably considered even more as magical internet money which had the task of making itself independent of central places and today's ideology has changed a lot and most no longer know the real values behind Bitcoin and only consider it as a form of the object of value that is also strongly connected to the psychology of the mass and a good example of this resulting psychology is the fear of missing out effect and also this effect, is based on numbers and the psyche. One of the most important foundations of the blockchain is cryptography and this topic also had an enormous importance among alchemists and it was known that the alchemists have to communicate with each other in encrypted form so that not everyone would get their recipes and I have already gone into this topic more in the past and if you want to learn more about it, you will find my contribution here. It can be said in many points that Bitcoin is a new form of alchemy and in many aspects associated with the ideology of the old alchemists and the principle of transformation is probably one of the most important connections and it is definitely interesting to look at Bitcoin from this point of view.

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    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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