Blacksmith in Chinese Culture

in blog •  2 months ago

    Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you were able to have a day that has been full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to address an interesting historical topic and hope you can expand your knowledge a little.


    Here are some pictures that are supposed to bring the art of Blacksmithing in ancient China a little closer and to make the contribution more interesting, I used artificial intelligence to create these works. Similar to other cultures, the blacksmith had an important significance in ancient China and this craft goes hand in hand with the mining of ores and the blacksmiths have concentrated on the manufacture of numerous important everyday objects such as agricultural tools, dishes, weapons and many other things that were of enormous importance for people's daily lives and new techniques of this art were developed in different parts of China. This profession, which has a millennia-old history behind it, had a high reputation and not everyone could become a blacksmith and this knowledge was often passed on within the family. Even when it came to the production of art objects as well as in architecture, the blacksmiths were very popular and especially the discovery of iron between the 7th and 8th century BC was extremely important for the development of the forges and began to develop in the southern part of the country. Also the copper and bronze age were very important for the production of objects and the work of the blacksmiths ensured that a large market was created in many areas and the manufactured objects were transported across the country as well as to other countries and it did not take long until mass production was started and led to some revolutions.


    When it comes to the production of weapons, China is particularly known for the traditional manufacture of swords and these traditionally made weapons are still a sought-after object today and are often reproduced. The production of jewelry and other works of art from precious metals such as gold or silver also has a long tradition and these objects were particularly popular in the early days for ritual purposes or with emperors and some dynasties are considered special supporters of the art of blacksmithing and numerous palaces were elaborately decorated with metal. Without the blacksmith, the world would probably not have developed and this is also reflected everywhere in Chinese culture and also in China numerous gods or protection patron of the forge were revered and the best-known example is probably Emperor Yu who is considered the inventor of Yin and Yang and has anchored this principle with the creation of a bronze cauldron. Another important deity is Zhurong who is also appreciated as the god of fire and blacksmithing and these were just a few of the numerous examples of deities that were associated with this craft and everywhere in ancient legends and myths you can find traces of the blacksmith and similar to other cultures the blacksmith is considered a creator of magical works.



    Thanks a lot for taking the time to read through my post and I hope you like it and can learn something new about culture!

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