Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)

in blog •  3 months ago

    Good day dear community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you have a great start to the new weekend! In this post, I would like to talk a little about nature and hope you are able to learn new things.

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    The plant which can be seen here bears the name chives which is also known under the scientific name Allium schoenoprasum and the exact origin has not been clarified to this day, but there are traces that it already has a long history behind it in some parts of Asia and Europe. According to assumptions, it came to Europe by the discoverer Marco Polo (1254 - 1324), which had discovered some of these specimens in China where it has already been used for thousands of years and since the Middle Ages it has been cultivated more and more in Europe and according to other assumptions, it was already spread in Europe during the time of the Roman Empire and was probably already known by ancient Germanic tribes. Already Charlemagne from the Carolingian dynasty, which is known for having numerous plants cultivated in his lands, attached importance to the cultivation of chives and in the Middle Ages it was also considered a magical plant and, according to legends, was used to defend negative influences and it was also considered an important healing and spice plant. Chives can also be considered as a relative of the onion and in cultivation it is relatively easy to care for and thrives best if you sow it early in the year from about March and it does not matter whether you put it in the bed or in a pot and normally the stems are eaten bur also the flowers, that appear later can theoretically also be consumed and also contain nectar which makes it interesting from an ecological point of view and attracts one or the other insect. Chives can be described as very easy to care for in itself and it is also hardy and at the beginning of the cooler days it dries out to reappear in spring and it can also be easily propagated. Due to some active ingredients contained, it can also be considered a natural antibiotic and has a whole range of effects on health and it can help, for example, to improve the immune system, stimulate the metabolism and much more and it is no wonder that it can be found in numerous old herbal books. In case of illness, it is important to always ask your doctor or pharmacist of trust for the right medicine and application as well as possible side effects in order to avoid complications!

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    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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