Interesting facts about Campanula

in blog •  3 months ago

    Good day dear community, first of all I hope that you are all well and that you had a day that was full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to talk a little about nature and hope you can learn new things.


    Here you can see a picture of the bellflower which is also known under the scientific name Campanula and originally come from the northern hemisphere. There are numerous myths around this plant and there are views that it is under the protection of elves and there are also connections to the Greek mythology where it was associated with the goddess of love Aphrodite and in general this plant was the basis for numerous fairy tales. In the Middle Ages, some species were collected and then consumed and it can be interesting from a medical point of view and have a hemostatic effect and at that time the roots are particularly appreciated. There are traces that it has been specially cultivated as a vegetable plant and nowadays the use as a medicinal plant has rather moved into the background and as always, I would like to mention that in case of illness you should always ask your doctor or pharmacist of trust for the right medicine and use to avoid side effects! From an ecological point of view, it is an absolute recommendation for anyone who is looking for something that is easy to care for and offers numerous insects a great source of food and you will find different species of bees, bumblebees and other insects during the flowering period. There are numerous species of wild bees that have particularly specialized in this flower and the pollination of the plant can also be traced back to bees and also one or the other increasingly rare caterpillar species can be found here. It is also worth mentioning the abstract appearance of the flowers which are somewhat reminiscent of bells and there are numerous artists who have oriented themselves to it and the flowers can have different colors and in addition to the typical violet specimens, there are also some in blue or white.


    Thanks for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these moon pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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