Interesting facts about Radishes

in blog •  4 months ago

    Good day dear community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my contribution and hope you had a weekend that brought some interesting experiences into your life! In this article, I would like to go into a little about nature and hope you can expand your knowledge.


    Here you can see pictures of radishes which is also known under the scientific name Raphanus sativus and is particularly known for the fact that the vegetables grow underground and can be harvested after just a few weeks. It is assumed that the origin is in China, but the exact origin is not fully researched and during the 14th century it was cultivated more and more in Europe and new breeding varieties have emerged and nowadays it can be found almost everywhere in the world. It didn't take long for a large market to emerge around this vegetable and quickly, in addition to the regional market, the international market was also increasingly served and Europe was an important trading center and again legends appear about it as in Greek mythology where the well-known oracle of Delphi has already gone into more detail about it and according to the statement of the oracle, the weight can be compared with lead. It has also gained an important symbolic meaning in Asian culture and appears there in different legends and it has also been associated with the element earth and the taste of the vegetables is slightly spicy and it is particularly popular in the kitchen where it fits particularly well in salads and in Asian cuisine unique artworks have emerged from it which are carved from the vegetables. Radishes can have a promoting effect on the whole body and therefore it is a good alternative from a medical point of view and it is rich in various trace elements and can help particularly well against inflammation or other diseases. As always, I would like to mention afterwards that in the event of illness, you should always ask your doctor or pharmacist of trust for the right medicine to avoid complications!


    Thanks a lot for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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