Hessonite Mineral

in blog •  2 months ago

    Hey dear community, at the beginning I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day full of positive experiences! Today I would like to talk a little about minerals and hope you can expand your knowledge.

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    Here you can see a specimen of the mineral hessonite which can also be counted among the group of garnet and the mineral was named by the French mineralologist René-Just Haüy (1743 - 1822) who referred to the Greek when naming it. The mineral was already known under other names and the appearance can vary and typical are brown or orange shades which can vary depending on the location or impurities with other rocks and important for the color scheme is the chemical element iron and the formation can be traced back to high temperatures. It is also deeply anchored in history and already in ancient cultures hessonite was considered a magical mineral that would have a supernatural powers and it was already thought earlier that people could be cured with the help of it and was mentioned in the Middle Ages by some scholars and also for the old alchemists it was a mysterious mineral. There were also some interpretations that it could help the owner to gain wisdom or hidden knowledge and as always, I would like to mention that it is alternative medicine and in case of illness you should always ask your doctor or pharmacist of trust about the right medicine and possible side effects! From an economic point of view, hessonite is of great interest for the production of jewelry and it depends on the quality of the mineral whether it is suitable for these purposes and particularly beautiful specimens are often processed into chains, earrings or other pieces of jewelry and the mineral can be found pretty much everywhere in the world and is considered a frequent mineral.

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    Thanks for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about minerals! I captured these moon pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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