Mayas and the Moon

in blog •  3 months ago

    Hey dear community, as always I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that brought many new experiences into your life! In this post, I would like to talk a little about the Maya and hope you can learn something new.


    Here are some pictures of the full moon that I recently took and I would like to use them to go into a little more detail about the Maya and shed light on the importance of the moon among these indigenous peoples of Mexico. The Maya were known for having an innovative calendar system in which the moon played an important role and they used different methods of time calculation than today and an important role was played by the moon as well as the sun and a solar year consisted of 13 moons and they had an accurate knowledge of the different phases of the moon, which simplified the time. The Maya also often seen the moon as their own deity and observed exactly the behaviour of the different phases at that time and so even lunar eclipses or other cosmic events could be predicted in good time and also with other events the procedure was similar and so various events could be predicted through precise analyses. Similar to other cultures, the moon was linked to femininity and fertility and the moon goddess had diverse attributes and was of great importance when it came to a good harvest or growth in general and in addition to some deities that are linked to the moon, there is an interesting legend about the origin which says that a pair of twins were once transformed into the sun as well as moon to initiate the beginning of a new age. The moon was also often linked to the female menstrual cycle and this is reflected by the goddess Ixchel who, in addition to the moon goddess, is also considered the personification of a young mother and she was considered a diverse goddess and was also considered protectors of snakes, weaving art or wisdom. She is also linked to different phases of life and in some legends it is even said that she could transform into different creatures as well as had other mystical abilities and in hope that the harvest would be better, people made some sacrifices to her at the time and also a great cult has arisen around her.

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    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about mythology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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