Chang'e in Chinese Mythology

in blog •  2 months ago

    Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you are all well! Today, monks, I would like to talk a little about mythology and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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    Here are some pictures of the waning moon that I recently shot and I would like to use them to write something about Chang'e, which is also revered as a moon goddess in Chinese mythology. Similar to other cultures, the moon deity in China is of female origin and can also be considered as a direct personification of the moon and she is also considered a companion of the well-known moon rabbit which is also called jade rabbit which is widespread in Asian culture. Once she fell in love the archer Hou Yi who had received the elixir of immortality as a reward from the gods and according to legends, he had shot down 9 of the 10 suns that were once supposed to reach the earth to cause chaos there and it is assumed that the suns were the children of the jade emperor who had turned into the suns, but there are different versions of this legend. One day Chang'e found the elixir of her man and she couldn't resist the curiosity and drank it and noticed that it had given her immortality and she then decided to travel to the moon to live there, but left her husband alone. It is often also said that Hou Yi flew to the last sun which he had not shot with his arrows to live there and from time to time the two meet and from a symbolic point of view they also embody the principle of the two opposites. You can also find connections to Chinese alchemy where the Yin and Yang also play an important role and embodies the duality of the sun and moon and the understanding of the two principles is also of great importance in alchemy and one of the main goals of the Chinese alchemists was also the production of a elixir which could make immortal and was also known as the golden elixir and who wants to learn more about alchemy in China will find my contribution here. Chang'e is also depicted as a beautiful woman and a huge cult was created around her and in China they were so inspired by this deity and decided to name some space probes after Chang'e which even landed on the moon and collect data for research.


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    Thanks for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about mythology! I captured these moon pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens and created the artworks with AI.

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