My study starts, a bit confused

in blog •  last month

    Hi, guys!

    So, I started studying again. Yesterday was the first lecture, and so far all I can say is that with such success, our curator could have simply gone on air, said “happy hunger games” and passed out, the result would have been exactly the same - everyone was in shock from what is to be done. But in the end, we wanted this ourselves, right? They came themselves, enrolled themselves, paid for their studies themselves, so now there is no one to complain to, they will have to do what they were so eager for.

    Studying promises to be very difficult, more difficult than last time, but I think I can handle everything. Last time I didn’t have enough strength to finish, this time I’m going to take this into account and try to distribute my strength in such a way that I have enough for everything. You need to plan in advance for yourself a break in the middle of the course to catch your breath. Today I plan to start drawing up a schedule.

    I need to go to the library, pick up books recommended for reading, but for now I’m not sure that I’ll get there alive. You still need to lie down for a few more days to fully recover. So today I’ll stay at home for now, do some planning, listen to the lecture again and cook something delicious to eat.

    I'm not in the mood for all this yet. but I think everything will work out even without the mood. It’s a shame that I can’t go for a walk with the dogs, I’m afraid that I won’t have enough strength for it. But I hope that I will have enough strength tomorrow, in any case, I will try very hard today to finish my treatment.


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