Squirrel (Sciurus)

in blog •  5 months ago

    Hello dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day that has brought numerous positive experiences into your life! Today I saw an interesting animal and would like to go into a little more detail.

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    Here you can see pictures of a squirrel that is currently visiting a feeding place for birds to grab a few sunflower seeds and it is rather unusual to find squirrels here. Usually the favorite food of squirrels are nuts and from a tactical point of view, squirrels are extremely refined and like to bury their nuts, which they dig up again at a later date and in addition, squirrels also like to feed on fruits, seeds or mushrooms. When squirrels bury nuts, this can also be useful from an ecological point of view and trees often grow in the places and through the ability to bury their food, they also make a great contribution to the spread of other plants or fungi. It can also be advisable to support squirrels by hanging a own feed house that you fill with nuts and hang in a protected place and there are numerous offers of these houses and you can also build them yourself. These enchanting animals are mainly distributed in Europe, America or Asia and are considered diurnal and also during the winter days they are active and often leave their nest to look for food and their typical sleeping place are in trees. Anyone who should see a squirrel can see this from a symbolic point of view as a bearer of messages from different worlds and they are also considered a typical symbol of intelligence and dexterity. These animals can also be found in mythology and it is often associated with fertility there and the best known is their appearance in Nordic mythology is the squirrel with the name Ratatoskr which appears as a typical companion of the thunderstorm god Thor and here too this animal had the important task of delivering messages. In some legends from the Middle Ages it was also often associated with occultism and also in heraldry this animal can often be seen in numerous coats of arms.

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    Thank you for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens!

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