Interesting facts about Thyme

in blog •  3 months ago

    Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that has been full of positive experiences! In this post I would like to write something about nature and hope you can expand your knowledge.

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    Today I took these pictures of thyme, which is also known by the scientific name Thymus and originally comes from Europe and was already known by the Greeks or Romans and was used as an important spice. During the Middle Ages it was especially cultivated on a large scale in numerous areas and nowadays it is widespread and has also found its way to Asia, Africa or America where it is also used in a variety of ways. In Greek mythology it often appears and there are interpretations that it once arose from the tears of Helena and it was considered a typical sign of strength or perseverance and there were some views that it has magical abilities and was often used for ritual purposes. The healing properties were also very well known at that time and as a medicinal plant it can be used in many ways and can help particularly well against lung diseases and can be considered as a kind of panacea and the contained essential oils make it an absolute miracle cure that was already mentioned in ancient writings of numerous scholars. Especially when it comes to diseases of the respiratory tract, it has gained a very special importance and because of the several hundred different species, it is also relevant for the research and extraction of various active ingredient components and there are numerous medicines based on thyme. As always, I would like to mention here that in the event of illness, you always have to ask your trusted doctor or pharmacist about the correct dosage and possible side effects in order to avoid complications! In my pictures, I was able to photograph the wonderful delicate pink and white flowers which are also extremely sought after by insects and on the one hand it attracts insects such as bees, bumblebees, butterflies and others and on the other it keeps some away because of the essential oils and it can be a good tip against mosquitoes. Thyme is an absolute must and recommended for anyone who is looking for something easy to care for and values old medicinal plants and at the same time wants to do something for insects.

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    Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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