BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Depression

in blockchainpoets •  2 months ago


    Thought I would come back for more as I enjoyed few times. The weekly prompt is Depression which is a nice happy topic that people do not like to talk about. I thought I would do this poem about it....

    Here is the prompt:



    Can't be bothered
    Will do it later
    Have fun?
    Don't think so
    No going out
    No going in
    Just a locked door
    A locked mind
    A locked body
    Emotions wound tight
    Like a broken spring
    Bent, misshapen
    No spring left in your step

    Then back to bed

    Social media
    Then back to bed

    Ignore the phone
    Ignore the calls
    Ignore the invites
    Too scared, too tired and too withdrawn
    Hiding like a scared mouse
    Buried deep in its hole

    How are you?
    What have you been up to?
    Everyone asks
    All is fine
    All is good
    Smile on broken smile, just in case
    The armour cracks
    It wont
    It shines like a beacon of strength
    Nothing getting through
    Nothing getting in

    Nah I am fine
    All is well
    Life is good
    How are you?


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