London Bike Tableau part 1

in bike •  13 days ago

    Step1: Create Parameter (2 times):
    1st: Moving Average Period with Data type: String, List, day, month, year
    2nd: Moving Average Duration, Integer data type, current value: 10

    Step2: Create Calculated Field:
    Moving Average Period (Name), function: Datetrunc([Moving Average Period], [Time])
    Change the datatype to date -> Then drag it to the "columns"
    drag the "count" to "rows"
    Create a 'Set' for "Moving Average Period", then it pops up a list of date and click ok
    Create calculated field -> name: min month, function: {Min(If [Moving Average Period Set] Then [Moving Average Period] End)}
    then duplicate the calculated field and amend min to max and change the function name accordingly
    drag min and max month to detail (continuous)

    Step3: Show Set for "Moving Average Period Set" ( Then the date inside the dataset will be shown)

    Step4: On top of the app menu, click "Worksheet" -> "Actions" -> "Add Actions" -> " Change Set Values"
    A new window pops up, rename it with " Update Moving Average Period Set" -> Under Target Set click Moving Ave Period Set.
    At Clearing the selection will -> Keep set values
    \ DONE
    (a function to let user to create interactive relationships between data, dashboard

    Step5: Building bands when select points on dashboard
    Click Analytics -> "Reference Band " (Under Custom) ->Drag it tp Moving Average Period -> New Window pops up -> band from: "min" to "max", "none" for label and tooltip

    Step 6: Changing the color of the selected data point/range
    Create calculated field -> Name: In Range, Function: [Moving Average Period]>= [Min Month]
    [Moving Average Period]<= [Max Month (copy)]
    Then drag it to "colour" marks

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