Wednesday wisdom of the Goddess

in beauty •  4 months ago

    BTC is well on its way to 75k. It is a really nice milestone that should be just that - a milestone. We are considering the 100k the 'point zero' for this bull run, but I for one think that sooner rather than later, we will hit the 100k and go beyond it.

    In the meantime, I wanted to share some words of wisdom with you guys - because this is the 2nd bull run that I am a part of, so I figure that I have some competence (albeit little, but still some experience) on the matter :D

    Your portfolio will get to levels you've never seen before, which will play with your emotions a lot. Trust me. It did with me in the last bull run, it will do on this as well.

    If there is life-changing money on the table, be sure to take some profits & actually change your life.

    Taking profits will never make you poor. Don't be greedy. Greed is not the way to go.

    ❤️ Peace and love, boys and girls!

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