New Stencils On Some New Papers...

in art •  4 months ago
    So... the journey continues. I'm still exploring different papery things with the intent of one day soon, attempting to make something that includes some of what I have created.
    On my last post I showed a PILE of new stencils that I have acquired along with some other new artsy goodies.


    I'm also exploring other papers too. I got two kinds recently. One package is slightly off-white rice paper with these fibers throughout the sheets. I am holding a piece up here in front of my led lights over my art table to show how fibery it is. When you are not holding it up to the light, you can still see the fibers, but they don't look this dark and are meshed in nicely to the paper.
    It said it was "Mulberry Paper Sheets Natural Fiber Rice Paper". Now I don't know what the "Mulberry" is and if there are 50 kinds of rice paper or what. I guess I'll learn that before too long.


    I also got another pack of rice paper that has different colors of paper in it. I think I didn't realize this one was going to have similar kinds of fiber showing in it when I ordered.

    paper 2 colors.jpg

    It's not that I am disappointed, I'm sure I'll find some things to do with them, but I might would like something less fibery looking too. I suppose I'll just have to buy more kinds sometime....LOL ! (Twist my arm)

    paper colors 2.jpg

    Since I now have that PILE of stencils ... which makes me laugh every time I type that..... and new paper, well, I had to test them out together.


    Since these sheets are somewhat transparent, you are supposed to be able to put them over other designs in your art and what is behind it will still somewhat show through.
    This is also something you may cut or tear apart when creating, so perfection is not required. I think I really like the notion that none of it requires perfection to use.


    The design of the stencil also shows on the back in a lighter version. You can always use it like this if you need something softer or quieter.


    I used the same color on all of this one as you can see.


    ....and now the back of it.


    Another sheet with different colors and designs.
    Fun ! Fun !


    Oh... and another.


    I love this design. Circles are attractive for some reason.


    Whose going to clean all these things ?! I need an assistant.



    ...and here are all three pages I played on the other night.
    I'm going to have some good choices to choose from when it is time. I have actually started my first piece with some of the other papers I showed before, so it begins.


    Doesn't this look like a fun space? It was !


    My work day today was different in that nearly all morning I trained a trainer how to do one part of the job I do, so she can teach it to everyone else. We did it over webex, where I shared my screen with her so she could see what I was doing and then she practiced the best she could for a bit. I say it like that because she was supposed to have access already to all the screens I use, but found that she did not, so parts of the process she was unable to complete herself. That was ok though, I just went back after we were done and added the rest of what was needed.
    Now it's time for me to ramble around in the kitchen and see what I might want for supper.
    I hope you've had a happy day today.
    Love you !
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