New Stuff To Play In Paints With....

in art •  4 months ago
    New Toys !! It's like having new toys ! 😄
    I do so love art supplies. I always have. As you may have seen (or not) I've been playing in paints and papers, trying to learn to make collage art or mixed media stuff. I've been making some fun painted papers and watching videos by others on youtube and trying to decide what I will attempt first to begin my practicing.
    I bought these acrylic inks. I don't know why. It's not that I think they will help me much in my new endeavor, but I saw them while I was looking at other stuff and I liked them. I'm not sure what I will do with them at all ! That made me laugh to type it, but now that they are here, I will play with them some later. I liked this photo of them as they were sitting my desk. The light shining in behind their clear package reminded me of colored glass vases and the such, on shelves across a window. That sort of thing always attracts me.


    Some of the things I got made way more sense for what I've been playing with, like more stencils, some markers and a couple of different papers.


    What's not to love about new markers??


    Lots of colors in this pack. I tried one or two and they seem to flower really smoothly. These will be fun to use to add some details here or there.


    I did mean to get a handful of new and different stencils, and even though I only bought a few different packs, I was still amazed how many there really were when they got here. Yes... I read the packages, but I didn't keep a tally on how many were in each one. Dorkas ! I know !


    I didn't have to count !!! I can do what I want....... and who cares after all ?!?! Right ???


    I shouldn't need anymore in.... ever... absolutely not ever... never ever....LOL Some of these were in the photo above, but the biggest surprise to me when they got here was how big the ones on the bottom of this pile are. I put the ruler below so you could tell. It made me laugh.... again


    I also got this hole punch set. 5 sizes ! They seem nicely made and two circles that they cut out are already glued to the first piece I'm working on. I really like these.


    They are extra neat because there is a little slidey thing on the bottom that catches the paper circles when you punch them out, but slides open easily to get them out. You can also still slide it open if you want to see the design it will capture from your paper.


    Here's a few I punched out from one of my blotter sheets. I HAD to play with them on SOMETHING !


    Now for the game, which item does not belong on the art table???? ahahahahahaahhaha...... don't worry, it's not there anymore !


    I also got two kinds of paper, thin, rice paper'ish stuff that is more transparent than the papers I already had here. I'll show them to you better when I post showing where I played with some stencil designs on them soon.
    My work Monday felt like the typical example of why folks think Monday's are no good. When I first signed on to my computer, my main work program wouldn't come open by clicking the desktop icon, NOR searching for it's program and trying to open that. GAH ! So I cold booted and reset the box that connects me to my work stuff..... and it finally came up. Ugh ! The morning wasn't the worst after that, but after lunch, the password in my other main program disappeared. I changed it today and had already used it successfully.... but no.... cold booted again and STILL had to call the help desk. (rassa@#^#@$frassaras^&(*%^$&safras).... but that's not exactly what I really thought. They got me in again and then I got hateful work most of the rest of the afternoon. I was so glad when it was time to log off for the day !
    Thankfully most of my days aren't like that and it will all be ok ..... I think.
    Time to ramble to the kitchen and see what I am going to feed myself for supper.
    I hope your Monday wasn't quite as quirkie as mine.
    If it was, here's you a hug {{{{{ hugz }}}}}... and if it wasn't, I just wanted to hug you anyway !
    Love you !
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