Art Heart

in art •  5 months ago
    I sat down Tuesday evening late, intending to do my "quickie" annual Valentine heart painting. Surely I could whip out something in a half hour, it wasn't meant to be a masterpiece after all.

    maybe 1.jpg

    It was supposed to be bright and happy, that was the main requirement and it started off in an ok direction. Of course this wasn't finished.


    But where to go from there?... I had no idea as will be more than obvious going forward. ha ha


    It took a wild turn.... ugh !


    Double UGH !!


    Blot all that pink out.....


    Lets add a small heart inside with a wavy tail.... wait.... what ?? a heart worm !? ... yuck... isn't that what you give your dog pills for ?....


    I'll dress it up and see if it looks less wormy... ummm ... no.. .NO !! AMGoodness..... where'd that mess come from??


    Let's blot all that mess out and see if.... sigh... no... can't leave that either....


    total different direction.... what a horrid mess !


    So... I took white and swished it all away... all the terrible ideas.... and the worm.... gone. Now what? Who would have guessed all the chaos that is under the white?? I intended to start over and then.....

    cant see chaos underneath.jpg

    I walked away..... and came back in a bit and .... hmmm... farmhouse heart?.... or shabby chic??? I believe it is !

    farmhouse on art table.jpg

    I announced to myself it was done, but mostly because I was tired of messing with it an hour and a half later and I was getting sleepy.


    You never know what all is under a "finished" painting, there could be many stories before the end.
    That's kind of like people you meet. You see what is there now, but you never know what all stories are behind them.
    I hope everyone is doing well and that your hearts are happy.
    Luv Ya!
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