Effect of Magnetic Fields on Plants

in art •  4 months ago

    Hey dear community, I hope you all had a great start to the new week and you were able to make some positive experiences! Today I would like to discuss an interesting topic and hope you can learn new things.


    Here you can see pictures of plants that I took yesterday and I would like to specifically discuss the influence of magnetic fields on plants and it was found that static magnetic fields promote the growth of plants or germination of seeds. In the experiments, different field strengths were used and it has been shown that seeds that are in a magnetic field have germinated much faster than those without and even after repetition of the experiments with different field strengths, the result was amazing and an explanation for this phenomenon can probably be attributed to the influence on bacteria and this topic has been researched for centuries and the first experiments probably date back to the 18th century. An interesting effect was also found on the growth of the roots and other parts of the plant such as leaves or flowers and interesting is also the effect of the natural magnetic field of the earth and it was found out that crops that grew in certain directions had a better growth and interesting are the experiments with wheat in which it was found out that the plants that have grown in an east-west direction grew better than those in the north-south direction. These experiments took place under the same conditions and the plant had the same environmental movements as well as nutrients and to go more into the topic, further experiments were made with wheat under artificial magnetic fields and it turned out here that the growth was also significantly influenced. Due to the constant influence of magnetic fields, it could even be detected a twice as strong growth as the plants that were outside a field and different strengths were used in the areas and the result was so amazing that it can definitely be said that magnetic fields can affect growth. It was also found that plants have a certain proteins that reacts to the fields and there are also biological reactions with the cells of the plants and also the ions generated by electricity can have a huge influence on growth. There are some views that the plant reacts with stress under the influence of electricity and thus the faster growth takes place and through magnetic fields even the well-being can be increased and plants can also be considered as a kind of receiver and are also able to perceive frequencies from outside. This research in this area is of course of great benefit to agriculture and if you would like to deal more deeply with plants, I can recommend this contribution from me here where I have wrote something about plants and frequencies.



    Thanks a lot for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.

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