The topic of how important Engine Tune-Up is in the Moon Karts game.

in arcadecolony •  last month

    Hello everyone. My name is Uttom Kumar my Hive name is @naturaluttom. Hope everyone is well.

    Today I will share another card with you. I have already shared many cards with you, but I will share another card. The name of the card is: Engine Tune-Up
    I will analyze how much power this card has and how many benefits you will get with this card.

    The word Tune-Up usually refers to the routine servicing of the engine to meet the manufacturer's specifications. To ensure the expected driving conditions, it is necessary to periodically tune-up as recommended by the manufacturer.
    Engine Tune- is an internal combustion engine.
    Engine Tune- Regular ups will also increase the life of your car and the power of your car will also increase a lot.

    All Hive friends can follow my rules, I will come back with a new post.
    Google translate

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