IDF Thugs! Didn't Even *Knock* When They Bashed In Our Door To Rescue Hostages!

in antisemitism •  5 months ago

    by Muhammad Ayman, Rafah resident

    Rafah, February 26 - This is barbaric! We had in our home two Israelis that our friends abducted on October 7, and we were holding on to those Zionist pigs to serve as bargaining chips, when out of nowhere, the brutal monsters of the Occupation crashed into our living space, made a huge mess, and stole those hostages from us! They didn't even have the courtesy to ring the bell first!

    The cruelty and monstrosity of the Occupation know no bounds. We were quietly eating a meal the captives had been forced to prepare for us when BOOM the front door came crashing down and before we knew it there were bullets flying, two of our Hamas guests guarding the captives were down, and the Israeli prisoners were being moved out of the apartment by the commandos. Such uncivilized behavior! But I suppose we should expect nothing less from them by now.

    Our people conducted a courageous operation on October 7. Caught the enemy unawares! A tremendous triumph! But for reasons we poorly understand, the enemy did not simply give up, as we expected. And now Gaza suffers. We thought that such a devastating blow would frighten the enemy into submission and flight. And now the enemy expects us to submit because we, too, have been dealt devastating blow after devastating blow! What kind of expectation is that??

    There are rules. Rules of armed combat. Rules that the world expects Israel to follow, and threatens consequences for even the appearance of not following them - whereas we Palestinians are not expected to follow such rules, and never face serious consequences for neglecting. In fact we count on the double standard so we can weaponize Israeli adherence to international law. It helps that our allies such as Iran, China, and Russia shield us from the diplomatic blowback, leaving us to destroy our economy and future all by ourselves by provoking a nuclear power and continuing to threaten genocide. I must have been going somewhere with this paragraph, but got distracted by people banging down my door to rescue hostages instead of knocking politely as civilized humans might.

    It's simply unfair that this time, Israel isn't being held properly in check by the international community, restricted to impossible standards that predetermine the preservation of Hamas. It is barbaric to allow both sides to behave barbarically when until now only we have been allowed to behave barbarically!

    I really want those hostages back. I could use some slave labor reattaching that door.

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