Group Railing Against 'Jewish Supremacy' Takes Particular Joy In Asserting Islamic Supremacy

in antisemitism •  4 months ago

    Parallels with demonstrators who slam violence visited on Palestinians, while directing violence at Jews.

    San Francisco, March 13 - A collection of activists who gathered together under the banner of advocating for protection of Palestinians from "Zionists," who, the activists believe, consider themselves better than everybody else, shifted abruptly into behavior demonstrating they believe Muslims are better than everybody else, observers reported today.

    Protesters assembled to call for Israel to cease its offensive in the Gaza Strip to neutralize the Hamas terrorist organization characterized the Jewish State's actions as rooted in Jewish supremacy, a goal the activists impute to Zionism - the movement for Jewish sovereignty and self-determination as equals among the nations of the world.

    Once assembled, the protesters moved from chanting slogans about dismantling the Jewish State to taking down a nearby US flag and replacing it with the red, black, white, and green Palestinian flag. The slogans similarly shifted from opposition to Zionism, or accusing Jews of various evils, to predicting that Islam will dominate the Earth.

    The phenomenon parallels and dovetails with similar incidents, often simultaneous, involving demonstrators who rail against violence visited on Palestinians, while directing violence toward people they have identified as Jews.

    Analysts have noted that pro-Palestine activism no longer focuses on hijacking international flights; it now hijacks social movements that consider themselves progressive. Thus, since progressives in the US and the West at large have deemed white supremacism the worst evil, Palestine activists now try to shoehorn their issue into the rubric of white supremacism, painting Jews as "white" oppressors and Palestinians as victimized "people of color." The phenomenon persists even though the pro-Palestine movement has long been one of the most racist on the planet, both on its own terms and as part of an Arab-Islamic culture that still enslaves Black Africans and otherwise discriminates against them.

    It also persists despite Jews seldom enjoying "white" status, or any acceptance as equals, in their host societies for the last several thousand years; approximately half of Israel's Jews have little or no "European white" ancestors, and that Israeli demographic weighs even more heavily Zionist than their "Ashkenazi" counterparts, in part because of generations spent living as a "protected" underclass under Islamic rule before Israel became sovereign again in 1948.

    Experts note that the anemic reactions by law enforcement and university administrators to the manifestations of Islamic supremacism - when the public can expect a robust response when the victims are any minority other than Jews - have only served to convince the Islamic supremacists that they are correct.

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