Day 3 Anarchapulco: Another FIRST Decentralized Social Media Platform 😆

in anarchapulco •  2 months ago

    On day two of Anarchapulco, I was feeling a lot better than the day(s) before. Luckily.
    Being sick is one thing, but being sick at a conference and when it's 30 degrees Celsius with 85% or more humidity, is worse.
    If you like, you can read a little more about our days before this day here:
    Arrived Safe and Sound in Acapulco
    The Anarchapulco Opening Ceremony for volunteers, staff and speakers
    Sunday: The Anarchapulco Launch Party
    Day 1 Anarchapulco Monday - Not as Planned
    My youngest son getting his blessings at the opening ceremony at Anarchapulco



    What happened Day 1

    So just to recap from the day before: I probably had something to eat that was a bit 'iffy' and was sick throughout the whole first day of the event. I had some hours to go volunteering, but towards the end of the day, our team leader sent me home.
    I went home, took a long shower, and went to bed early. The next day, I felt a lot better, but a little weak still. When we arrived at the conference, there was breakfast, but smelling eggs made me feel worse again so I decided to have some fresh fruit (Viva Mexico for all its fruits!) and lots of juice and water. I felt better and stronger immediately. So I really think it was just a little bug from (possibly) the ceviche on the opening night.
    Lesson learned.

    I think I drank about 6 liters of liquids that day, spread out over the day (I'm not a complete idiot) and it did wonders for me. Flushing those bugs out of my system and more, because by mid-day I felt 100% better.

    I didn't bother with taking photos or anything that day, aside from the video of Miranda's show that I didn't want to miss.

    So on to day 3!

    ANOTHER FIRST Decentralized Social Media Platform

    The title alone makes me laugh all over again. But let me explain...
    So because I was volunteering most of the day, and whatever free time I had, I'd spend chatting and connecting with people, I had missed pretty much all of the speakers on stage.
    So towards the end of the day, there was a panel of speakers and I thought I'd listen to them, in order to get at least some of the speakers.
    I missed the first part of the speakers, but basically they were all speakers who had been censored and/or removed from platforms like YouTube, Twitter, etc. for speaking out about things.
    I won't go into the details (nor do I have many details to share), and it wasn't anything I hadn't heard before.
    Until the last speaker (I don't even know his name) announced something to solve all of their issues:

    The FIRST EVER Decentralized Social Media Platform. Now, where have I heard this before? Oh, OK, I remember now. LOL.

    And another thing that stood out: He also mentioned that there were no servers...
    Now, I am not a techie, so I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty darn sure that one would need servers to pull something like this off. But hey, who am I?

    I'll have to give a little bit of a back story here before I continue.
    I was a little bit upset with certain individuals on this (our Hive) platform because they decided not to make the effort to travel to Acapulco and be here. I've mentioned Anarchapulco to them many times, and every time I hear 'I hope to go' or 'That would be great!'. And yet, I was the only one here. After a conversation with one of those individuals (I'm not going to mention any names) that day, I was even more upset. The sentence 'Well, if people aren't already on Hive, then it's probably not for them', was what got to me. Because it's complete bullshit.
    I tried to talk to as many people as I could about Hive, and 9 out of 10 had never even heard of Hive...
    I know even Jeff Berwick has mentioned Hive before, but not everyone hears every word he says, and I'm sure not everyone even sees most of his videos. Myself included. I used to watch every single one of his videos when we were living in Ireland, but here, none at all.
    So that day, I went to the event, boasting my Hivefest T-shirt, trying to make a statement.
    There were more than 400 people at the event, and since poor little me can never cover all of those people, it was a missed opportunity if you ask me. A BIG missed opportunity. Period.
    I am only one person. Plus those other individuals are MUCH better at explaining things, like technical things, than I am.

    Anyway, so while I was listening to those speakers, wearing my Hivefest T-shirt, hearing that guy say that THEY had come up with the very first decentralized social media platform ever, and based on Blockchain technology, I felt like laughing and crying at the same time.
    Part of me wanted to jump up and yell: "HEY! HELLO!!! I don't fucking think so! We've been around for YEARS! But I didn't. I decided to speak to every one of those speakers individually and tell them about Hive. And so I did. I didn't onboard them all at the spot, but they now know about us, and I have all their contact details.
    The only one I didn't get to speak to was the person announcing their platform, which was a shame, because I really wanted to tell him...
    I did, however, look them up on their social media later on, and turns out: There isn't much there.
    They have an inactive Twitter account, and they post on IG every 3 months or so. 2000 followers. I don't think it'll get them anywhere.

    But I was still mad, because these people now had a 400-head audience, and more, because there will be people who will see the replays too and who saw the live streams...while we could have been there with more than just me - myself - and I and told everyone who wanted to hear...

    Anyway, it's done now, nothing we can do about it, but I will surely mention it at the next Hivefest, and hopefully this time, someone will listen...

    More about me and my Hivefest T-shirt in the next post. Stay tuned for that!

    bye text.png


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