Reviewing the 1st 10minutes of "The New World Order: Communism by the Back Door"

in america •  4 months ago

    The First 10 Minutes of: "THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Communism By The Back Door (2015)" - A Review & of a 5-Hour Counter-Narrative Documentary


    In the present era of think-tank generated and strategically disseminated #msm mainstream media globalist narrative, I have been scouring the past for a precedent. The reason I do this is so I am working my way to incorporating it as a cognitive habit, a second nature of sorts. The reason you should probably consider the same is that there is always a precedent, there is always a plan and it is important to try to find out who set that precedent and who made that plan.

    There is a round table with elitist, pseudo-eternal powers seated at it. The faces of those attending such round table meetings do vary (mainly from generation to generation but with retention of subtle hereditary traits), the form of what makes a meeting at such a table varies too... Yet the function behind those faces and their Chatham House Rules Round Tables will remain inviolable and eternal...

    • An eternal span akin to the endless human struggle for wisdom and freedom?

    • I do not believe in a form like a Chatham House Rules Round Table being a perpetual secret that decides the future of humanity

    • An inviolable state akin to humanity's consciousness potentiating to a stage where it is awoken?

    • I will not succumb to promulgating the anti-thesis to a present or future already well planned in advance

    Those who are in attendance in places you will never be invited to attend will be holding the balance of power perpetually. Time with it's passage through endless lies, attempted mind control, mass media manipulation and centralized consolidation of power has not made me kind to the present. Suppression of inner consciousness and a recognition of your innate, natural needs are being utterly forgotten in the sands of time's lies. The goal of this evil prison of the present is an arid desert in your mind, a seeping blight in your body and a cratered cityscape in your consciousness.

    The perpetual present is therefore a prison and a trick to keep things eternally suppressed within ourselves; "occupied," "entertained," "annulled," "unconscious," "enslaved." Eternity will not change when that which was once our spiritual inheritance (our wisdom, our intellect) is buried deeper and deeper from us.

    Echoes of the Past, Present and Future

    Have you found yourself becoming perturbed at the sight, sound or happenstance from a historical record recently? Was it hard to describe how a previously unknown fact or perspective just made so much more sense in today's world? Is this a kind of deja-vu experienced directly from that amorphous spiritual infinity known as the Collective Unconsciousness? Is it an echo of time from outsides yourself that resonates without rhyme or reason within yourself. Perhaps, but it could be the nature of time itself, of time within itself.

    I could wax philosophically for eternity on this topic - but I mustn't.... as time is of the Essence. Let's get a move on and get started at looking through the present into the past. I have chosen a five hour documentary by the same guy who did "The Greatest Story Never Told." I haven't seen this documentary but when someone from PALnet linked me it today, I was intrigued.

    Two aspects of this doco intrigued me the most: It was made in 2015 and I had been meaning to revisit "The Greatest Story Never Told" so I could address some of the factual inaccuracies within it. This documentary is of a similar left to Greatest Story and I remember getting quite incensed after 2-3 hours viewing. It seemed like an enormous fan-boy propaganda piece for National Socialism and Adolf Hitler but did contain a decent counter-narrative, suppressed investigative journalism and theories that are taboo today.

    Maybe this documentary would be a similar mixed-bag? More importantly, maybe I could learn something new. Maybe I could leave some leads for others to pursue too?

    THE NEW WORLD ORDER: Communism by the Backdoor (2015)

    (Special interest to our American friends)

    New World Order - Communism by backdoor is Dennis Wise's second documentary after his first documentary "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told."

    New World Order - Communism by backdoor focuses on New World Order and historical information that are related to New World Order.


    No comment on the introduction. It panders to the ideals of which America was found upon and which Americans are meant to proudly defend. Patriotism, nationalism and the heartstrings of America's dead soldiers are plucked by what's meant to be a harsh indictment against what the once noble country has come to today.


    The City of London (capitalized) is a municipality within London, England, Britain and the British Commonwealth. It is governed by The City of London Corporation and as the screen-cap above alludes to, is probably the major financial centre of the world. I think the screen-cap gives a little too much weight to the omnipresence of the Rothschilds in the City of London. In my opinion, the producer's phrasing maligns the Rothschild's alleged Jewish heritage in a way that could be seen to malign all Jews as well.

    quote from wikipedia

    The City is now only a tiny part of the metropolis of London, though it remains a notable part of central London. Administratively, it forms one of the 33 local authority districts of London; however, the City of London is not a London borough, a status reserved for the other 32 districts (including London's only other city, the City of Westminster). It is also a separate ceremonial county, being an enclave surrounded by Greater London, and is the smallest county in the United Kingdom.

    The City of London has a magickal history, steeped in occult and intrigue. It is not the headquarters of the Rothschild Dynasty exclusively. I am also not so sure that "their Jewish Cabal is the group that owns the Money Supply (strange capitalization?)..... of almost every nation on Earth." The screen-cap above is taking liberties with underlying prejudices so it can cater to a specific audience - the kind of audience which finds itself rejected from #mssm (mainstream social media) and not catered for. Is this not obvious to that specific audience?

    Prejudices inherited throughout history do not vary significantly from those perceived as being so problematic and widespread today. Regardless of the holder or target of such a prejudice, the truth is that the audience remains The City of London and "The City" lives on, seemingly eternal...

    The reason I wrote so much to rebuff a simple introductory script is because any narrative surrounding the City of London will usually be misdirection. The City of London is seldom further explored via different counter-narratives or through extensively detailed investigations. To see a single counter-narrative of Jewish financial dominance in the City of London as the usual alternative viewpoint misses the mark. And it's frustrating to see yet another example of narratives surrounding any Round Table with a policy of Chatham House Rules crucially missing the mark, let alone ever hoping to hit a bullseye.


    Truthwillout (Dennis Wise)

    Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the western countries both "victorious and the defeated" after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.

    Part 1 - The origins of the New World Order and infiltration of the free world.
    Part 2 - Discover the roots of the New World Order and their Occult connections.
    Part 3 - Discover how the New World Order is based on the evil of Freemasonry.
    Part 4 - The music business is a means to influence the masses, especially youth.
    Part 5 - Learn how the New World Order infiltrated the Roman Catholic Church.
    Part 6 - The Druids in England have always been at the centre of the Occult.
    Part 7 - The United Nations are part of the New World Order and their one-world plans.
    Part 8 - Hollywood is the most important vehicle of propaganda in the English speaking world today.
    Part 9 - How is Israel able to ride roughshod over the world with impunity?
    Part 10 - Understanding The Jewish Quest for World Domination
    Part 11 - The Greater Israel Plan, Know your enemy
    Part 12 - The Changing Face of Europe
    Part 13 - The Enemy in the Land
    Part 14 - How America became Communist
    Part 16 - Usury: The Cancer of the World
    Part 17 - The House of Red Shield - The Rothschild Dynasty
    The rise of the banking family at the head of the New World Order.
    Part 18 - Secret Societies, UN, the fake cold war and even the Waco massacre were the signs of the coming of Communism.
    Part 19 - Slaves For Israel
    Part 20 - Who is running America
    Part 21 - The Bottom of the Rabbit Hole
    Part 22 - WIKIPEDIA WARNING!, Further research uncovered, Source List

    #america #communism #globalism

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