Jeff Bezos and Amazon dot com

in amazon •  3 months ago

    Meme dump #10

    I hope you have a good Friday, but I'm not going to post calendar-based themes - not even for April Fools' Day.

    Jeff Bezos in 1998: I sell books. Jeff Bezos in  2017: I sell whatever the fuck I want.

    The next meme is one of my favorites. I wasn't sure where I'd saved it, and I couldn't find it online, no matter what I tried. Eventually I did find it on my computer, simply as boxes.jpg. A good reminder that we keep forgetting parts of our culture which aren't archived or republished by anyone.

    Come on down to Amazon Dort Corm, we got: boxes, boxes, boxes, bexos, shippy bois, boxes locker in a mixed-income building:

    hello, my name is disparity

    Amazon review of an anarcho-communist flag ($7.51 plus shipping): What have I done? I liked that it was cheap cuz I'm poor, I'm however disappointed in myself for buying it on Amazon, for obvious reasons.

    Amir: Amazon talking about show them proof I didn't get the package (photo of his empty hand).

    Tweet: the newest twitter rabbit hole i've fallen down is the fact that amazon makes some of its employees write tweets that are *not at all* suspicious. AmazonFCRafael: Back from more than a week of absence at work. Good thing I was able to cover it up using my time bank. (Personal, Sick, and Vacation). AmazonFCAudra: As a worker in the US, I do not want a union. Why should I pay dues to a union to get exactly what I am already getting? My working conditions are good and I receive great benefits. Would I like more... AmazonFCRafael: Took a picture of the leadership principals I see on the wall every day while walking to the break room. I love the abstract design, simple, and elegant all at once. #wallart #leadership AmazonFCDylan: Everything is fine, I don't think there is anything wrong with the money I make or the way I am treated at work

    The Washington Post, Democracy Dies in Darkness: 1) Washington Post to be sold to Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon. 2) Opinion: Think twice before changing the tax rules to soak billionaires. 3) The Post's View
~ Opinion: The smartest way to make the rich pay is not a wealth tax. It's important to ask the wealthy to pay more. It's also important to do it the right way. 4) Opinion: The billionaires' space race benefits the rest of us. Really.

    In one message obtained by The Enquirer, on newsstands today, Bezos wrote: I love you, alive girl. I will show you with my body, and my lips and my eyes, very soon. Dana Schwartz: Jeff Bezos sexts like he's an alien in a human suit.

    Hey, here's the Political Compass again:

    Authoritarian Left: Burn down Amazon. Authoritarian Right: Burn down the Amazon. Libertarian Left: Protect the Amazon. Libertarian Right: Protect Amazon.

    Their only chance for a toilet break:

    Amazon workers after finding out Jeff Bezos is in space

    Sad & Useless Humor: #inspiration. Remember kids: If you study hard, get good grades, go to a good college, get a job, work hard... never take a sick day, live within your means, and do what you're told... then one day your boss might go to space!


    These memes are brought to you by @edb. They're being shared for the purpose of entertainment and cultural memory. This post is not meant to endorse any message they might contain. It's assumed that these images and stories were meant to be shared freely by their creators; no claim is made as to their originality or copyright status.

    Posts may or may not be tagged NSFW for being more offensive than usual. NSFW status does not promise sexual excitement. SFW status does not guarantee that looking at image macros will be part of your job description. This account might contain traces of bigotry, or lame jokes known to the state of California to cause cancer.

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