My goals for 2024, weekly report 10…

in alive •  4 months ago


    The goals…

    I hesitated for a long time whether I should write this report because... there isn't actually much to report.
    On the other hand, I had some time, and I should try to keep up with the rhythm of reporting a bit, right? So here it goes:


    Both the goal for HP and for HBD are still on track. Last week, I feared that due to the price increase, I wouldn't be able to buy many Hives, but thanks to the dip in the last few days, I managed to stick to my budget...
    Of course, that same dip also has an impact on my portfolio...

    The portfolio…


    A return of -12% compared to last week... Luckily, I don't really need the money I invest in Hive 😊 Like most people who suffer losses say: I'm in this for the long term, so this doesn't bother me. And that's true, of course... but it doesn't change the fact that you'd rather see a rise than a fall 😉
    Anyway, if I wanted certainty, I would have been better off staying away from the crypto world... but hey, it also has its fun sides 😊

    So, I had already mentioned that there was little spectacular to report, so I'll leave it at that for this week...

    Thanks for reading and see you all next week!



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