Summary: Lion's Den – May 10, 2024

in ai •  2 months ago

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    DISCLAIMER: The following has been generated by AI (Claude-3) based on the publicly available recording of the livestream. Because the content is AI generated it may contain errors, so please keep that in mind when reading. Feel free to suggest corrections and/or add additional information/improvements in the comments. Read more: Introduction post for the AI Summaries project

    The Importance of the Long Tail Concept for InLeo

    The host began by discussing the long tail concept, which is a characteristic of digital platforms. The long tail refers to the phenomenon where a small number of highly popular content dominates the left side of a graph, while a vast number of niche or less popular content makes up the long "tail" on the right side.

    The host explained how this concept applies to platforms like Amazon, YouTube, and InLeo. On traditional physical platforms like bookstores, shelf space was limited, so they had to focus on stocking the most popular titles. But digital platforms like Amazon can accommodate an almost unlimited number of titles, even if each one only sells a few copies.

    Similarly, on YouTube, a small number of mega-popular channels get the majority of views, but there are millions of smaller channels that each get a modest number of views. The host argued that InLeo should embrace this long tail dynamic, rather than solely chasing the elusive "viral hit."

    Leveraging the Long Tail through Content Diversity and Engagement

    The host emphasized that while it's unlikely any single piece of content on InLeo will become a massive viral sensation, the platform can still benefit greatly by accumulating a large volume of diverse, niche content. Things like:

    • Hobby-focused content (e.g. woodworking, collecting, yoga)
    • Short-form video content (e.g. "LeoShorts" posted on 3Speak)
    • Content in different languages to serve global communities
    • Engaging with existing content through rethreading, voting on polls, etc.

    The key is to keep adding more content and activity to the platform over time, rather than just focusing on a few high-profile pieces. Even if each individual item only gets modest engagement, the cumulative effect can be powerful.

    The Importance of User Engagement and Activity

    The host stressed that user engagement and activity are critical for the long-term success of InLeo. He pointed to the flatlined activity levels on Hive over the past several years, despite efforts to promote the platform.

    He argued that people need to be consistently present and active on InLeo, not just posting occasionally. Things like rethreading content, voting on polls, and generally interacting with the platform are important to drive the flywheel effect.

    The host was critical of users who simply want rewards without putting in the effort to build a presence and engage the community. He emphasized that as an owner of LEO, he is focused on supporting and upvoting those who are truly committed to the platform.

    The Role of Search, Discoverability, and Platform Features

    The host acknowledged that the current limitations around search and discoverability on InLeo are a major challenge for the long tail concept. He expressed frustration with the difficulty of finding one's own past content, let alone discovering new content from others.

    He suggested that improvements to search, recommendation algorithms, and other platform features will be crucial to enable users to more easily find and engage with the growing volume of content. However, he recognized that these technical developments are outside the control of the community.

    In the meantime, the host encouraged users to be proactive in sharing, rethreading, and engaging with content to help boost its visibility and discoverability.


    Overall, the host made a compelling case for InLeo to embrace the long tail concept as a key strategy for growth and sustainability. By focusing on accumulating a diverse array of niche content and user engagement, rather than chasing viral hits, the platform can steadily build value over time. However, this will require consistent effort from the community, as well as future improvements to platform features to enable better content discovery.

    @leoglossary links added using LeoLinker.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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