AI and Human Mind

in ai •  4 months ago

    I think AI will probably not be an exact model of a human mind
    on the analogy, I would say creating AI based on human intelligence is more somewhat similar to modeling a tree based on a real tree. The model may look the same on the outside, provide the same home for birds, sway the same in the wind, however the model tree is a completely different structure on the inside, made of different materials, and in some ways has no resemblance to that which it is supposed to be a copy of. I imagine that AI in some ways will have to be vastly more complicated that how we understand the human mind, in order to produce a similar result
    not a great analogy either but tats good

    i remember a movie about someone trying to replicate a human brain, and although its a movie and not necesarily realistic i remember the first huge problem was the digital brain freeked out when it coudnt power a heart beat, or recognize lung breathing, or gather data from the sensory organs it is designed to use. The brain basically thought it was dying. The movie presented the problem that a human brain could not function without the human body, so it would have to be a replica of all or nothing
    i dont remember how the movie ended tho
    while in contrast, an AI could be created without the dependence on all of the other organs, and in that way be more efficient

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