Videla sam interesantnu i kreativnu ideju, šta deca mogu da naprave mamama za Dan žena ili rodjendan, ali s obzirom da ima još tri meseca do tada, odkučila sam da sa decom pravim istu ideju ali umesto cveća glavni detalj bude olovka!
Pa, da počnemo...
I saw an interesting and creative idea, what children can make for mothers for Women's Day or a birthday, but considering that there are still three months until then, I decided to make the same idea with the children, but instead of flowers, the main detail should be a pencil!
Well, let's get started...
Dakle, prvo olovkom nacrtajte konture svoje šake. Pored toga, nacrtajte olovku i isecite...
Zatim obojite bojom po želji...
So, first draw the contours of your hand with a pencil. In addition, draw a pencil and cut...
Then paint with the color of your choice...
Naravno, treba pustiti maštu na volju. Boju ruke i olovke birate sami takodje detalje kao što su: prsten, narukvica, sat...
Of course, you should let your imagination run free. You can choose the color of the hand and pencil yourself, as well as details such as: ring, bracelet, watch...
Kada završite sa bojenjem i ukrašavanjem, cveće odnosno olovku stavite na dlan ruke i savite papirne prste preko olovke.
When you have finished coloring and decorating, put the flowers or the pencil in the palm of your hand and fold the paper fingers over the pencil.
Ruke su gotove! Svaka drži svoju olovku! Deca su se baš zabavila a vama dragi Hajveri želim puno kreativnosti u radu s decom,jer, neće deca pamtiti vaše skupe poklone već vreme koje ste proveli zajedno..❤️
Hands are done! Everyone holds their pencil! The children had a lot of fun and I wish you, dear Hiveri, a lot of creativity in working with children, because the children will not remember your expensive gifts but the time you spent together..❤️
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!