19 January 2025, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2622: plant a tree

in voilk •  19 days ago



    “So, I need to find out if the Veteran's Lodge is going to let us make this house a rent-to-own deal, and if they do I'm gonna plant a tree here – one of those trees that gives seven different kinds of fruit on a strong base.”

    Eight-year-old Edwina Ludlow was talking with her favorite gardening partner, her grandmother, Mrs. Thalia Ludlow.

    “Oh, you mean a tree that you can graft kinds of the same fruit on, like apples or pears or peaches,” Mrs. Ludlow said. “I guess you were really paying attention to that commercial last year.”

    “Yeah, because the big trunk is you and Papa, and we're the seven different fruits,” Edwina said about herself and her fellow Ludlow grandchildren, seven in all.

    “I think that will work – apples come in all kinds of colors and styles, and your grandfather actually knows how to graft them,” Mrs. Ludlow said. “But, we can order one already ready right next door at Fruitland Memorial Park and pick the kinds of apples we want in advance.”

    “Oh, this is good – so I just need Cousin Harry to get in there with the other trustees, convince a few people, beat up a few people, and then we're good – I mean, I'd go do it myself, but I really am trying to be a sweet little girl beause Amanda made me change my hero name from 'Breaking Bad' to 'She Don't Play About Hers' so I gotta get other people to do the rough stuff for a minute.”

    “Hiring hitmen for beat-up jobs is also a thing sweet little girls don't do,” Mrs. Ludlow said.

    “Wait, what?” Edwina said.

    “A new life needs new information,” Mrs. Ludlow said. “I know you loved Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, but there are other ways that things get done.”

    “Game of Thrones is good too,” Edwina said. “I hated foster care, but the TV shows helped me know what I needed to do to survive it!”

    “That's true,” Mrs. Ludlow said, “but, like your Army grandfather and big Lee cousin, you will learn new skills to learn how to live in peace.”

    Edwina considered this.

    “Well, yeah,” she said. “I like peace. It's way better to be gardening and stay cute – I mean, I will break bad, but, there is better stuff for me to be doing now.”

    “How about we walk down to Fruitland Memorial Park and pick out some apple types we might want grafted on our tree, wherever we settle down?” Mrs. Ludlow said.

    “Yeah, that's good!” Edwina said, and off she and her grandmother went, happy and in peace.

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