Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? I hope that by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God, you are all very well. I am also fine by your prayers and by the infinite mercy of Allah, Alhamdulillah. Today I have come to you with something new. It would be wrong to say it is new, as you all know, but for me, the matter is a little more interesting. Since the month of Ramadan is going on, I have become very busy with everything. We should all worship a lot during the month of Ramadan, so as Muslims, we are constantly ready to fulfill that responsibility.
Actually, many of those who were with us last Ramadan have left us in the present time. We pray for them that they are well in their graves. You should also pray for your family members. We don't know if we will be alive next Ramadan, but we are constantly praying to Allah that Allah will grant us all the right path in this world and grant us the strength to follow the path shown by Allah. I have said a lot. Today I will share with you the method of making fried eggplant with Hilsa fish. I hope you will like it.
So let's start without delay. What I did in the first instance was buy a 700 gram Hilsa fish. In fact, the current market price of Hilsa fish is very high, which is incomprehensible. The price of Hilsa fish per kilogram was asked from me at 1500 taka, so I bought one at 700 taka.
The price of everything is so high these days, especially during Ramadan, that the price of everything increases so much that it is impossible to explain. Then I did a fair bit of shopping and bought eggplant. I like round eggplant a lot more. I like eating round eggplant a lot, but those who have allergy problems will tell you to definitely refrain from eating it.
The reason for saying this is that eating eggplant is fun but the amount of allergy is very high. Try to avoid eating eggplant if you have allergy problems. Then what I did was roughly cut the eggplant according to my needs. My mother has already cut the fish. Today I will cook. Actually, I feel comfortable making my own things that are necessary or favorite. What do you think?
Then I put turmeric and salt in the fish and put it in the eggplant and put it in the brinjal and if you leave it for a long time, the salt gets into the fish and it tastes very good. Then what I did was heat the oil and when the oil is hot enough to fry the fish in the oven, I put the fish in it. In between I cut the onion, tomato, green chillies and put everything along with coriander leaves. Keep one thing in mind when you use every spice to make a curry, but it is a lot of fun to eat. I don't know how it feels for you, I like it quite a bit.
When the fish turned brown, I removed the fish and then fried the eggplant nicely. Try to fry it lightly because if it floats too much, it will not taste as good. If the eggplant is fried too much, it will become soft and will not taste as good. Keep this in mind and fry it according to your needs.
Next, what I did was grind the spices well. As spices, I used onion, green chili, tomato, garlic, cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, roasted chili. Then I took salt. When all the spices were ground well, I added water and ground them for a long time. Then, what I did was when the spices were roughly ground, I added fish. When the fish was ground well, after that I added brinjal. Keep one thing in mind, you cannot stir brinjal well, you have to reduce the heat and fry it lightly.
If you stir the fish with the brinjal too much, the condition of the brinjal will get worse. You won't find the brinjal, so cook it well. You can see how smoothly I cooked it. Then I covered it with coriander leaves for a while and then I took out the fish. To be honest, I didn't know that fried brinjal hilsa with hot rice is so much fun. I ate it many times from my mother's hands, but my mother uses a little less salt because my grandfather can't eat fish.
But when I cooked it, I increased the amount of sauce a little and kept 2 pieces separately for Grandpa because I can never accept that Grandpa will be looking at us when we eat it, so I kept them separately for Grandpa and cooked them separately for us. To be honest, I took dry chilies along with it. It was so much fun that I can't explain it to you. If you want, you can also make fried Hilsa fish with eggplant very easily. It is very fun to eat. As I said before, those who have allergy problems should definitely stay away from it. Everyone, stay well and stay healthy. I am saying goodbye here like today.